Chapter Three

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The team reached Ramsey's house in Sausalito sooner than they were supposed to, in facts rather than spending six hours, they got there in just four hours, not caring about any speed limits.

They quickly explained to Ramsey that they needed to get hands on Shaw and Letty's location as soon as possible.

"Time's not gonna be a problem", Ramsey reassured, disappearing in a room and coming back in just a few seconds, holding a tiny device in her hand.

"This is God's eye", she pointed out, "it's gonna track Shaw down in a matter of minutes".

"So you're telling me that", Vince snorted, mocking the device's size, "is gonna solve our enigma?"

"I'm exactly telling you that", Ramsey returned, her voice quiet, proud of her creation.

She set her computer on the table under everybody's curious eyes, putting God's eye to work after a very long time.

As images, numbers and codes popped up on the screen, Brian's curiosity took over.

"What is it doing now?", he asked furrowing his eyebrows.

"It's hunting. It'll run Shaw's face bio-map against every camera, every audio device in this hemisphere", Ramsey clarifed, earning a 'woah' from Brian.

"Bingo!", she exclaimed, a look of statisfaction spread over her face as everybody's attention was on her again, "He's in Mexico", she pointed out.

"That means he's a day ahead of us. We've got to come up with a plan and get in action before he moves again", Dom stated as he looked as Brian intensely stared down at the screen, "what is it Brian?".

"This guy", he started, pointing at a picture as Dom came closer to inspect it, "his name is Ramon Campos, he keeps the business going in the cartel for his boss, Arturo Braga, who's basically a ghost. FBI has tried to get on his ass for years, they never managed".

"What kind of business are you talking about?" Elena asked.

"He smuggles drugs and weapons across the border".

"So that's where Shaw got all that stuff I delivered", Rubén sighed.

"If Shaw makes business with him, that's what we're gonna do too. We get into the cartel, we find Shaw and we find Letty", Dom let out with a tone that left no room for arguments.

"What role could you possibly cover in a cartel? Y'all don't have anything to do with that shit", Rubén interfered as Leon smirked mockingly.

"Have you seen our cars man?" he asked playfully, "we get to drive them because we're damn good drivers", Leon concluded earning a knowing grin from the rest of the team.

"Alright, enough chatting", Dom quickly interrupted the interaction, "the sooner we get to Mexico, the closer we get to Letty. Let's get moving", he concluded gesturing for everybody to get in their cars.

Letty's head immediately started pounding as she woke up in a foreign bed. She was sure she hadn't slept more than two hours, and it did her no good.

Ever since she'd been captured, she'd been shoved into a plane, which, of course, she wasn't allowed to leave even when they landed and Shaw and his team got out to do God knows what.

She hadn't even tried to fight the people she was left with when Shaw left, she had her hands tied behind her back, and there was no way she'd be able to knock any other person in that plane and get out of there.

They had finally gotten off the plane a day earlier, but the warehouse they had picked was no better.

Letty's hands were still tied and she knew Shaw had people supervising the entire warehouse.

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