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Catherine's POV

In the morning I woke up and smiled. We were in Paris. Not only that but Lloyd was finally going to go to a nice school. I took a quick shower and gave Night a cookie.

"You're energetic this morning," Night said.

I smiled at her. "Of course, I'm happy. Lloyd will finally see that schools aren't that bad!"

"Won't they focus on the fact that he's the Green Ninja? He won't really get any peace."

I snorted. "He will if he sticks with Mari, Alya, and I."

She shook her head. "I doubt it. If Chloe is determined she'll just get the Mayor involved."

I sighed. "Lloyd won't bow down to anyone." I went downstairs.

Lloyd's POV

I've been up since three but that is only because I couldn't fall back to sleep. "I really don't want to go to school," I muttered as I got up.

"Look at the bright side. Cat will be there," Fang said.

I nodded. "I just don't have a good experience with school."

"Too bad Cat's determined to make you go."

"I know." I went downstairs and saw Cat was waiting for me with Mari.

"Ready?" Cat asked.

No. "Sure," I mumbled.

Cat frowned. "You don't sound excited," She said as we began the walk.

I raised an eyebrow at her. "When am I ever excited to go to school?"

She sighed. "Come on. It will be fun."

"No. It won't."

Mari nodded. "Cat, you're forgetting about Chloe. She'll probably bounce to get a chance to get Lloyd away from us."

She scowled at the ground."That won't happen," she said confidently. 

Mari frowned. "Why do you say that? She hates me and she hates you."

She glanced at me. "Because Lloyd's my best friend. There's no way he'll abandon me."

Like you did to me? I thought. I know her parents made her leave but it still hurts. "I'm literally right here," I said.

Cat snickered. "Are you? You were invisible for a second there."

I scowled. "Yeah right." 

She laughed. "You were!"

I shook my head and said nothing. When we got to the school Alya joined us. "Hey, Lloyd," Alya said.

I inclined my head. "Hey."

A blond girl came over. "Oh my gosh. The Green Ninja! You must have come for me," she said.

Cat stepped forward. "Back off, Chloe. He's our friend. I've known him for a long time. Go away."

Chloe glared. "There's no way an ugly person like you would ever be noticed by the Green Ninja."

"Leave her alone," I said coldly.

Chloe turned to me. "What?"

"Cat was right. She's my best friend. Don't call her ugly. She's beautiful." I regretted the words the moment I said them.

Cat's eyes widened. "What?"

Alya looked around quickly. "Hey, Chloe. There's Adrien." 

Chloe looked. "Adrien!" She ran over.

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