Sirs' Supper

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      We jumped at the sudden sound of her voice and even though we were all ready we took our time listening to see if she would walk away from the door. We all sat in silence until I accidentally said my thoughts out loud not intending to, I was just wondering what supper with sir would be like. Will was the first to respond, "Worse than supper with ma'am." Next, Jimmy commented about how Sir makes Ma'am's behavior ten times worse. He let out a sigh and moved towards the door looking us all in the eye but pausing at Sarah's longer than any of us, "All alright let's go." Jimmy said while finally grasping the doorknob and turning it slowly with a deep breath.

      We walked down the dark musty hallway in a line, feeling like prisoners heading towards execution but in our case maybe execution was better than life. Sir was at the head of the table this time instead of Ma'am and she was sat where Jimmy was last time. The girl from our last supper was now gone, I wondered what they did with her and if she would be on the menu again tonight. Regardless I knew I would have to eat even if it was her or else, I would be punished, or worse sir would punish someone else for my behavior. Sir stood up as we approached the table flashing his fake white smile and as if it was rehearsed ma'am stood up, leading both of them to walk to us and look us up and down. "My isn't this a change, just look at y'all, this is a bunch I'm proud to have at my table". Sir said his smile never fading, he turned back around to the table telling us to follow, we all sat in our spots from last time except for Jimmy who took the seat that the girl was in last time, Bobby wasn't at the table yet but the commotion in the kitchen made it clear he was in there.

       In front of me sat an empty plate, a grimy fork, and a cup filled with water even though it had things floating in it my mouth was watering I was so thirsty, I wanted to chug it, but I waited until Ma'am or sir touched their glass that way, I knew I couldn't get in trouble. Bobby came from around the corner with a large bowl and a plate with what looked like bread on it, but I couldn't tell just yet. Sir stood up as Bobby started slipping food on our plates, grabbing his glass of water and fork he tapped the glass. It was something that was not required seeing that the table was already silent. "I'd just like to make a toast to our family." He had paused before saying we were a family maybe to emphasize it but regardless, I hated it, he's just as sick as ma'am is, not to mention delusional. "We've gone through so many contenders trying to make this the perfect family, the one we always wanted. We've had to rid ourselves of a few pests over the past couple years but with a few tweaks and adjustments I do believe we could get it right this time." He looked at each of us during this but spent a longer time glaring at me and Will as he mentioned adjustments being needed. His speech told me enough though, that if I was going to have any chance of surviving and possibly escaping, I had to act the part, to be what they wanted. Sir sat down still wearing a malicious grin, an evil smile that betrays all innocence.

      This was the first time I looked down at my plate since the food was served, I was pleased to see spaghetti but that quickly faded when I noticed it was a meat sauce. I was correct when I thought I saw bread it looked to be whole wheat sliced bread covered in garlic butter. On the bright side at least, I knew I could eat the bread, but boy was I terrified of that spaghetti, all I could do was pray it wasn't the girl from before, but I don't think I had a choice to eat or not. I think Will and Sarah thought the same as me because they too started by eating the garlic bread. About ten minutes had passed and I picked at the spaghetti a bit trying to avoid the chunks of meat I'm not sure if it was the hunger speaking but it honestly wasn't that bad.

      Sir cleared his throat and started speaking, his signature smile patched on his face, but it faded after a few words. "So, my boy, you think you're too good, can't eat what was prepared for you. You ungrateful unappreciative brat." He spit as he spoke, I scanned everyone's plate trying to see who he was speaking to, it was William who had not even touched his spaghetti. I was hoping he would not do anything disrespectful; I was scared for him because even though I haven't been here long I know how short-tempered they are. "It's not that I think I'm too good but I'm tired of randomly being served another person, I'm not sick like you and I refuse to eat any meat that you serve." I saw something change in Sir's eyes as William finished speaking, my heart began racing as Sir got up and walked over to William's chair grabbing him by the back of the head and slamming it hard into the table. William didn't move as Sir drug him into the room he took me to, the room with the boy and bugs. Sir slammed the door coming back to the table angrily he screamed for Bobby to take us away, I jumped up fast to try to avoid being drug down the hallway and it worked. I walked down the basement steps alone and instead of going to my spot, I went to Wills. I fell asleep thinking of him and what would happen.

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