Roach Room

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      "Stay strong okay" William was looking at me with puppy dog eyes, and you could feel the concern. I tried to reassure him that I was okay because I felt bad about being so weak, I didn't need anyone worrying about me, at least not when we were all in danger. I wanted to change the subject I felt embarrassed, and I needed a distraction from being so scared. " What's your name, Hun?" She hesitated and looked towards William, he gave her a nod and she looked back at me. "Sarah." She was quiet so I barely caught it, but I returned a soft smile to her and introduced myself. William looked at me with troubling eyes, but our glance was quickly interrupted by the door to the basement being opened.

      Jimmy stared at me for a few seconds his light brown eyes now red where they should have been white, "girl" he demanded while motioning for me to come to him. "My name is Ann," I said sharply while standing up off the ground. I wasn't scared of Jimmy he never hit me violently unlike Ma'am and her husband. Jimmy stopped before we went up the stairs, his voice was soft yet commanding "She's mad at you and so is he they said they wanted to see you again. Word of advice look them in the eye when they speak and whatever you do don't argue or talk back when you feel that urge just nod your head." I said okay, quietly curious about why he was helping me in the first place.

      The silence made everything more nerve raking as I noticed myself accidentally cracking my knuckles one of the many signs that I was scared shitless. I heard the voices of ma'am and sir mumbling in the kitchen and Jimmy stopped at the end of the hall right before it entered the opening that led straight into the kitchen and living room. I was shaking and gave him a look that had "please help me" written all over my face even though I knew he wouldn't. My legs were moving in the direction of ma'am and sir voices even though my brain was screaming for them to stop. "The rats here" ma'am growled as she stared into my soul. " Well good to see her again, why don't you come have a nice talk with daddy." I cringed at what he had just said but he didn't give me enough time to respond before he was yanking me in the direction of a closed room I had never been in before. I tried to pull away, but I remembered Jimmy's advice, yet it didn't change the fear that I had or the lump in my throat, my brain wanted me to scream to fight back and do something, but I didn't.

      He opened the door and I saw a body lying on a bed with the mouth wide open cockroaches and other bugs were scattering throughout the room. He pushed me towards the body where I watched bugs scattering in some boys' mouth. I turned my head cause the churning in my stomach was too much the smells, the bugs, and the fear were too much for me to handle. I heard Sir laughing in the background, but I didn't want to turn and look at him I was disgusted and scared of what I'd see. "why'd you bring me in here, who is he?" There was silence right after I asked yet I heard his footsteps getting closer to me and the crunch of bugs under his boots. I clenched as he put his hand on my shoulder "You see princess I've always believed fear is a good motivator, that no matter what fear can make people do anything you want them to do. I want you to behave you understand?" I nodded my head just as Jimmy had told me to do. " Good because if not I will either lock you in here to suffer the same fate or I'll lock one of the others in here. Maybe little Sarah? Hmmmm that is a tough one to decide but trust me I will figure it out." His voice was calm like he enjoyed getting pleasure from scaring me. He laughed as he grabbed my arm and yanked me out of the room throwing me against Jimmy violently enough that it almost knocked me and Jimmy over. " Take her away!" Sir commanded as Ma'am walked over to him not breaking eye contact with me at all. Jimmy grabbed me in a way that looked like it would be rough but instead, it was comforting like he didn't want to hurt me. He guided me back down the basement and called over Sarah, he knelt and whispered something in her ear before getting up and leaving.

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