Chp 40 The thrill of the forbidden.

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Sarah pov

As I headed home, I changed into my comfy nightwear and settled into bed. I grabbed my phone to send a text saying,

"Guess what?" Just then, Jake FaceTimed me and said,

"Heyyy boo, you're looking so pretty! I wish I could protect you from any negativity.

After a pause he says "Always keep smiling, Sarah, it's priceless."

I playfully responded, "When did you start talking like an old-timer?"

Jake cheekily replied, "Well, if I were an old-timer, I would kiss your forehead right now."

I teased him back, "Okay Okay , if you keep talking like that, I'll end the call!"

He quickly changed the subject and asked, "Alright, tell me, what's hiding behind that beautiful smile of yours?"

I giggled and replied, "Oh, you know, just the happiness and excitement of being with someone as amazing as you."

Jake's smile grew wider, and we continued our late-night conversation, telling him that Ibrahim's anger came to an end. I shared how relieved and grateful I felt for Jake's unwavering support during this difficult time. It was a comforting and cathartic conversation that brought us even closer.

After the conversation, I peacefully drifted off to sleep, eagerly anticipating the prospect of meeting Jake the next morning.
visions of Jake's smile and words filling my dreaming mind.

I woke up the next morning with a sense of excitement and anticipation, eager to see and hear Jake in person.

My mind raced with possibilities as I laid out my outfit and prepared to meet him I couldn't wait to see his infectious smile and hear his charming voice , knowing that Jake had a way of making me feel special and appreciated, something that I had never fully experienced before in my life.

We both felt a sense of excitement and nervousness as we had planned to meet up at school and skip school together.

It felt like our own little secret, something special and exclusive between just the two of us.

I was eager to spend more time with him , knowing we would have the entire day to Ourselves without any distractions or interruptions. I felt ready for this and was looking forward to the day ahead.

Uzma was the only one who knew about our plans to sneak out and skip school together.

As planned, we meet up at the school gate.

I felt my heart pounding, my nerves on edge and my excitement overflowing as I contemplated the bold step we were about to take.

Never before had I thought about skipping school, but this time, I don't know how ,I found myself filled with courage and determination.

We quickly walked away from the school with the thrill of the forbidden, the excitement of spending time together eager for a day unlike any other.

As we walked, he took my hand in his and held it tightly, my heart racing. I looked at him and grinned, feeling butterflies in my stomach.

"Soo where are you taking me" I ask.

He then looked at me , and stopped by his car "Where do you wanna go, babe?" He said with a warm smile opening the car door for me.

Jake had to park the car at a distance so that no one would suspect our plan.

Suddenly his mood changed to a much more romantic tone as he gently took my hand.

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