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Jimmy's point of view

Today is the first day of school.  Today, ive decided ill try my best not to look like a weirdo. I cant go all my school life being bullied. I'd actually rather die.

I should probably get going if i dont want to get stuck in the crowds. Youre fine, Jimmy. You can do this. Just be nornal.

Arriving at school:

I look around and can see where our years starting to group. There all standing around... a table??? In no way am i getting to that table any time soon.

Well thats one way to start my school experience. Bloody surrounded by people, having no clue where im going or whats on the stupid table.

I start to push through the crowd. Getting around half way through it before someone shoves me to the ground.

I hit the floor, my shoulder banging off the floor. I am so thankful for the fact mother binded my wings together for the first day of school.

As i scramble to get back up multiple people trip over me. Some even went out of their way to stand on my hands or feet.

Some school this was. Cant even keep new kids from getting hurt by the elders.

As more people shove through the crowd, someone pulls me up. Oh thank the gods. What would the first day of school be if not for traumatic experiences.

"Hey, are you okay?"

"Yeah, thanks for that! I thought id never get back up"

"No problem, im Salem"


"Well Jimmy watch this!"

I slowly dust my clothes off as Salem looks around. Oh i hope she doesnt do anything to crazy. Its only the first day afterall. What could she possibly do?

She quickly moves the blood red and dark black hair, that frames her face, behind her ears.

And before i know, it shes putting her hands on my ears and yelling something i cant hear.


Salems pov:

I screamed at the top of my lungs hoping that it'd give us some time. Well enough time to get to the table to see what class we where in.

I barely had any clue who this blonde kid named Jimmy was. But he seemed pretty defenseless.

I mean cmon you cant blame me. He was pretty much getting trampled on earlier. Its nice getting to protect a kid you barely know every now and then.

As people hurried over to where i pointed, the crowd started to lessen.

I took my hands off of Jimmys ears and grabbed him by the wrist.

"We've gotta hurry otherwise they'll realise there is no chicken and come back."

I watch his face scrunch up chocolate brown eyes stared at me in confusion. Why is he confused? What have i done now.


Oh, im so stupid, howd i forget he couldnt hear me.

"Yeah, chickens"

I tug on his wrist and lead the way to the table. He quickly scrambles behind me. This kid is a clumsy one for sure.

Reaching the table theres five classrooms laid out on it. I quickly look for any signs of the names Salem lady or Jimmy.

It doesnt take long before i find both. Great, i guess im stuck protecting this kid until we graduate. I hope he doesnt turn out to be a jerk.

"We're in class E, which should be in English block."

He hums back, seemingly growing more nervous at the aspect of being in the same classroom with me. Somethings clearly up with this kid. And im going to figure out what.

"We should probably get going Salem the crowds coming back"

"Are we going to class before assembly?"

"Thats what they said in the email."

"Okay Jim, i'll lead you there so you dont trip on any imaginary chickens"

And at that we both let out chuckles. Maybe this wont be so bad.

Jimmys pov.

We reach the classroom its got a funny symbol on the door. Well actually all the doors have that symbol on. Its some sort of broken rectangle. Weird.

Salem knocks on the door and a teacher (?) comes out. She looks us up and down and lets out a sigh.

I nervously squirm on the spot, ive never had a teacher who looked at me like this. Usually, they all just turned a blind eye at me. I can tell this year will be very different.

She pushes her purple glitterly glasses up. They match the purple streak in her blonde fringe. She has a perfect donut bun that highlights the fact shes had her hair done.

The purple doesnt stop at her hair; as she has an overwhelming purple dress on that reaches the floor.

Oh my god, i pray she isnt my teacher for this whole year.

Also why is everybodys hair so vibrant. Is this something nobody decided to inform me on? Am i supposed to have vibrant hair? I wouldnt be opposed to putting some green streaks in my hair.

No Jimmy stop your getting off track. What was i doing? Oh yeah the teacher.

"What would two young students be doing knocking on my door so early before class? Hmmmm any explanation"

I can feel my heart picking up. I am not getting in trouble this early into school. Dad would be so angry if i did. I give Salem a pleading look hoping she could take over.

"Uhm sorry miss, is this where class E is supposed to be? We thought we had to go to class before we went assembly."

"Ah i suppose it is! Im Miss Cerck, i was just getting ready for your class. Feel free to come in and take a seat when you're ready!"

And with that Miss Cerck turns around back into the classroom. The bell is going to ring any second now. And Salems giving me funny faces. Ive got to get my crap together quick.

"You okay Jimmy?"

"Perfectly fine, we should go find our seats."

"Yeah, i hope we're seated together i literally know no one in this school."


Walking in the class i realised all the desks where numbered. There where twelve desks in total. 3 rows 4 desks on each. Oh i hope im in the back rowww. Thatd be a dream come true to be honest.

On the board there was a list of names with numbers i was sat at number 8 next to some kid called Martyn? Luckily Salem was right in front of me in seat 4.

As the bell rang, shreiks could be heard from the hallways. Realising a fight was happening Miss Cerck ran out to stop it.

This would be a very long year.

End note:
1123 words not including this! WOO this is my first time writing anything over 500  in one go im so happy rn! However i do have a question

Does anyone have any specific moments from evo for me to incorporate into a chapter? Ive already added the whole Salem seeing a ghost chicken in the first episode bit.

And i probably will be adding the property police but if anyone wants me to add anything else id be more than happy!

Thats it thank you for reading


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