Glorybringer|Modern AU

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Deathbringer pov

Glory was my star. It started with a job. I was hired to bodyguard a famous singer. I thought she would be just another pompous brat with no talent but to my surprise she was amazing. She had beautiful green eyes and beneath her sarcastic front, she was kind and generous. Who wouldn't fall for her? But a guard can't love his client. He'd of lost his job in a week or two if she didn't feel the same. After a few months, their relationship grew into something more than just professional. Within a week word had leaked out about the rising pop star and her not-so-secret boyfriend's identity.

"Look at these rumours. They think Jambu isn't your brother and is your boyfriend."

Glory laughed at that. "Jambu is the most annoying person ever. Even if he wasn't my brother, I wouldn't date him for a million dollars."

"Why? Is it because you already have a million dollars?"

"No. He's annoying and I love you."

"Aww," I teased.

"Stop it," Glory said combing through her closet.

"Why do you have to go?"

"Grandeur doesn't want me dating you. So her plan is to put me in a room with a dozen drunk idiots. If I like one, she'll give me her blessing. As unaccepting as she may be, I love you," Glory explained, heading to the bathroom to change and do her makeup. When she came out she looked stunning.

"You look beautiful, Glory."

"Thanks, Deathbringer." Glory said, looking unhappy.

"Something wrong?" I asked.

"They are all going to look at me like I'm an object. Or something they can buy. Will you go with me?"

"Of course. But won't Grandeur object?"

"She doesn't get a say in this. Besides isn't your job to protect me."

"Alright, I'll go." I agreed. No one is going to lay a finger on her.

At the end of the night, the pop singer and her guard were both exhausted. Deathbringer had to stay on edge at all times. All the guys were very eager to have more than just a dance. This is shown by their constant catcalling and disgusting behaviour. But everything turned out alright; no one was chosen, (obviously) and now it was time to relax. (not like that.)

"Ahhhh. I never want to do that again! Thank you for going with me."

"No problem. Keeping men like that away from you is partly what keeps me going."

"Oh? And what's the other part?" Glory asked, sitting crisscross on her bed.

"Working with you," I smirked.

"Technically, you work for me." Glory corrected.

"But isn't a relationship cooperation," I asked.

"You still work for me though."

"Actually, I work for your brother."

There was a silence that fell for a second. Glory opened her mouth.

"What? Finally going to admit defeat?"

"No... Deathbringer you've never told me you love me."

"Ic!" my voice caught in my throat. It's not that I don't love her...

"I should go."

"No! I won't let you leave until you've said 'I love you'"

"I don't work for you."

"I don't care!"

It's just that... "'I'm not ready."

"Oh, ok. Sorry, I made you uncomfortable."

"It's alright. You didn't know."

Glory didn't look me in the eye. "I'm sorry. You probably have to go."

"Yeah..." As I left her house I could hear her sobbing quietly. The next day, Jambu interrogated me thoroughly and I almost lost my job but I just told him the whole truth. The following few weeks were awful, Glory was clearly upset. We barely talked with or without the fans flocking over her.

"Do you know who Glory's new boyfriend is?" a reporter asked.

"No." I lied, trying to find Glory. She was sitting at a kid's playground, trying not to be recognized. The reporter pouted and let me be.
As I walked over to her I noticed it was starting to rain luckily I had brought an umbrella.

"Why are you over here?" I asked.

"Hiding from you," she mumbled.

"It's not your fault, Glory," I said turning her face.

"I made you uncomfortable and I put you on the spot. I'm really sorry." Glory slumped. "If you are not ready that's ok I'll wait."

"Glory, you're always willing to commit, that's what got you here. But for me, commitment was something I was afraid of. I love you, Glory, and I want you to know." I confessed.

Glory blushed. "I love you too, Deathbringer."

And then we kissed, my hands held her waist as she placed her hand on my face.

(aren't cameras great?)

770 words

A/N Hi this is the last I'll be posting for a little while I know this is short but I really hope you enjoy it. The next one-shot hopefully will be Blicket. BYE 👋

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