Chapter 4

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"Dean," Lizbeth said, a week into her bedrest. "Can I ask you for a favor?"

Dean looked over at her from the desk, where he was reading through a lore book. "Sure. What's up?"

"Can you get those old coots out of the house for a bit? They're makin' me crazy with their constant bickerin'. Hell, I'm half tempted to call an ambulance to go to the hospital just to get away--"

Dean chuckled. "Sure. I'll get 'em out. Should be fine with Sam still here."

She smiled. "Thank you!" She picked up the word search book she was working on and the pencil.

Dean stood and walked out. It took some effort, but he managed to pack up Bobby and Rufus into his Impala and they pulled out of the scrapyard.

Sam came in. "How are you feeling?"

"Better knowin' the elder statesmen have gotten out for a bit," she smiled.

He smiled. "Feeling a little crowded?"

"I'm behaving!" she insisted.

"Oh, you are! Absolutely!" He picked up the chair by the wall and moved it near to her. "I'm actually impressed."

She smiled. "It's just that I could tell they were getting antsy. None of you are used to being cooped up or tied down for any length of time."

He sat so that his elbows rested on his knees. "I'm sure you're not either."

Lizbeth looked down at her belly, which seemed larger than ever to her. "In this condition, I'm kind of glad not to have to move."

He smiled and stood. "Can I get you anything?"

She took his hand and squeezed it. "I'm good. Thank you."

He nodded and pulled his hand away and stepped toward the desk to read one of the lore books.

"Actually," she said. "Do you think you could get my lotion from my bedside stand?"

He nodded, his hair falling forward. "Sure. Be right back."

When he returned with the squeeze tube of coco-butter lotion, she smiled gratefully. "Thank you. I feel like my skin is getting more and more dry. And I try to drink a lot of water, but that just leads to me having to go to the bathroom more and more as this kid sits on my bladder."

Sam nodded and watched her as she squeezed some of the lotion into her hand and spread it onto her arms and rub it in. Then he moved to the desk, opening the lore book he'd been working on the last time he was here, but couldn't concentrate as he watched her rub the lotion into her shoulders, then move her hands under the blanket to rub her belly.

Finally, he cleared his throat and moved to begin reading.

She paused and looked back at him.

He looked at her and smiled, uncomfortably.

She chuckled. "Am I making you uncomfortable?"

"What?" his eyebrows danced upwards. "No! Uhm, I was just thinking about your back."

Her eyebrows rose. "What?"

"Well, it's not like you can reach your own back and I imagine if anything this is going to feel dry and start to itch," he shrugged. "It'd be your back."

She smiled. "Yeah. I just deal with it, usually."

His eyebrows rose again. "I can put the lotion on your back, if you want."

"Thank you, Sam. That would be lovely."

Sam rose from the desk and she scooted forward on the couch enough for him to sit behind her. She unbuttoned her shirt and lowered it , lifting the blankets to maintain her modesty while exposing her back. She moved her hair to the side.

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