~Chapter 13~

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Addy darted along the path, making her way towards her father's house. Her old house. She pulled her hood over her head and lowered her head a bit. She wasn't quite ready to go back to the vampire king. She let her hand drum on the door and heard footsteps walking towards the door before a solemn Aegus Nestoris met her at the door. She looked up towards him and brushed her hair over her chest, showing him the color. He widened his eyes and covered his mouth in shock and she watched as tears ran down his face.

"Dad!" She cried and ran into his open arms. He started sobbing into her shoulder and pulled her inside, shutting the door behind him as Brayden darted down the stairs. She looked towards her younger brother then ran towards him and wrapped him in a hug as well.

"I missed you!" She cried and felt her father join in the hug.

"I mean we heard you escaped but we never thought you would last this long..." He admitted, awe still in his voice. She looked at her father and smiled.

"Well I did." She said, her voice soft yet fearful. "But I have to go back. He threatened to hurt you if I didn't."

The Nestoris Master's eyes widened in shock and his hand flew to his mouth as he realized the devastating reality of his daughter's choice.

"But you can't go back. It's not safe. He'll hurt you." Aegus whispered, the words stung on his tongue as he thought of all the merciless ways the Vampire King had killed before. He was terrified that the same fate would one day bestow upon his daughter.

"but I needed to see you and I know, I'll be ready for that, I can't exactly expect to run away without being punished for doing so." She said and Aegus hung his head low, his voice shaking as he spoke to his daughter.

"If that is what you've decided then please just take this." He said and pulled a silver bracelet out of his pocket. She stared as he slipped it on her wrist and rested his hand on hers. The silver sword charm glinting in the light. She looked up and stared knowing the bracelet once belonged to her mother.

"Thank you." She breathed, steadying her voice even though her heart beat a million times faster, her breath caught in her throat and she felt like she wanted to scream at the thought of going back to him. "I have to go now. But I'll try to get something for you as well."

She smiled then turned towards the door before feeling arms wrap around her stomach, she glanced back to see her younger brother behind her, his face buried in her hair and his body shaking. He was crying.

"Oh Brayden... it'll be ok." She assured him though assuring herself was another situation entirely. She wiped a tear from his cheek and smiled. "It will all be ok..."

Brayden finally let go of her and she looked towards her father who's gaze made her heart want to burst. He had visible tears running down his face. Tears of sadness. He had just gotten his daughter back and now she had to be taken from him in the worst way. Turning herself into the vampire king to save them. She was so much like her twin brother... risking her freedom for someone else's...

"Goodbye. We will see each other again..." She said softly then turned and grabbed a gold necklace from the nightstand, slipping over her head and gripping the gold heart as she walked out of the door.


Addy walked along the path towards the center of the village. Her hood still over her head as she breathed in trying to still her quivering hands as she lowered the hood and took off the jacket, exposing her identity. People gasped and lunged towards her, all wanted someone back but... they weren't going to get them back. As a few people grabbed onto her arms she whistled to the guards. Their heads shot towards her and they all braced their weapons as a few advanced towards them.

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