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Past days (part two)
"you never loved me did you"


Phil slowly woke up to a banging headache as he turned to the other side to hug chloe.While he was hugging her his vision became more clearer as all of his actions from last night became more clearer."shit"he mumbled to himself as the girl next to him woke up a bit.He got out of bed as he slid his top on and his jeans."leaving so early are we"the girl said."this was a mistake it shouldn't have happened"he said to her.He quickly popped to the bathroom when he saw her on his phone.

"What the fuck are you doing on my phone"he said snatching his phone out of her hands.He left her house as he hoped Chloe wasn't awake and wouldn't realise him sneaking in.He opened the door as he found her sleeping peacefully on their bed.He snuck in as he wrapped his hand around her waist.After lying there for an hour Chloe woke up."morning baby"she said hugging Phil."did you enjoy last night"he said kissing her hair.She nodded as they stayed in that position for a long time.

They decided to have a lie in day as the watched their favourite movies and ate there favourite snacks."I'm sorry about late night I didn't mean to get annoyed"she said resting her hand in his chest."it's okay but what were you going to tell me last night"Phil asked."oh well I wanted this to be special but a few days I found out-"Chloe said as she was interrupted by Phil's phone.She saw the message as she frowned her eyebrows.

"who is that"she asked as she looked Phil in the eyes.After all what they had been through together it had to end like this.She didn't want to believe it but yet there it was on his phone."Phil where were you late night"she asked as she released herself for, Phil's grip."I was cleaning up then I came home and found you asleep"he lied.Chloe knew Phil better than anyone and she knew when he was lying to her face.

"I had fun last night hope your girlfriend won't be too mad"Chloe read out loud referring to the message."you cheated didn't you"she said as tears started to build up.
"I'm sorry okay I didn't mean it I was drunk and it just happened"he said."well I was more drunk than you but did you see me hooking up with people mhm"she said getting off the sofa.She grabbed her car keys and her phone as she drove off to her brothers house.

"hey what's wrong"mason said opening the door as he saw his sister in tears.She entered his house as she sat on the sofa."I just want to say that if you don't see me around I'm moving to London"she said."what did you and Phil get in a fight or something"he said getting angry.She knew she couldn't tell mason as it would ruin his friendship between Phil.

They all grew up together in the same area and it would be selfish of her to ruin another friendship aswell."I just think it's best for his career and mine and we need a break"she said.She gave her brother one last hug before leaving his house and going back to hers.She found Phil on the sofa as he looked at her with his red eyes,It hurt her knowing she didn't want it to end like this but she knew it was the best.

She walked past Phil as she went into their shared room and started packing her clothes in a suitcase.Teardrops fell from her eyes as she coudnt bear the thought of not waking up every morning to see Phil,not going to his academy games cheering him and mason from the sidelines.She stood next to the door before she gave one last look to Phil.

"you never loved me did you"she said before leaving her past in Manchester and starting fresh in London,her home town.

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