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Chapter six
good things always come to an end

It's the day before me and Phil are going together on holiday and we needed to buy some last minute things.We decided to have a chill day as we went into different shops and looked at different things.Of course I dragged Phil into Victoria secrets even though I know he hates going.I went into Tiffany and Co as I needed some new Jewellery for going on holiday.I found a nice necklace that would perfectly go with a dress I have.

"It suits you"phil said looking at me with the necklace in my hands.Phil called someone over as they got it packed for me.I went to go tap my card when Phil tapped his instead.
"What the fuck did you do that for"I said to Phil annoyed."relax consider it a gift from me"Phil said."babe your literally paying for this whole holiday let me at least do something"I said."all you have to do is enjoy and to have fun"Phil said laying his finger in my lips.

We got back to the car as the car wouldn't turn on I looked at Phil confused as he gave the same look back.He got out of the car to see the tire flat as he came back and told me.
"Oh god what do we do now"I say as I put my face in my hands."relax I'll sort it out"Phil said.I could tell he was stressed out aswell which made me worry."what about I called James he lives only ten minutes away from the shopping centre"I suggest.

"I said I'll sort it out"Phil snapped as I went quiet he slammed the car door as I saw him make phone calls.He came back into the car as he sat down for a bit and thought about what he would do."let me just call James he won't take that long"I suggest again.

I really didn't know Phil's problem but he was really getting on my nerves at this point.
I grabbed my bag and phone as I left the car leaving the car park.I called James as he picked me up from the bus stop which wasn't too far.I got in his car as he drove me to his house.

Phil's pov
Little did Chloe know that I was insecure about myself and I knew I could never compete with what James had.He had everything I didn't the looks was one and he was a better player than me.I felt bad about Chloe leaving but I meant everything said about James.I drove home as I walked straight upstairs ignoring masons presence.I got changed and decided to take a shower.

I took my shoe off as I sat in his kitchen as he purred me a glass of wine.
"So you wanna tell me what's going on"he said.

"everything with Phil was going so good and he just had to ruin as usual"I said letting out a sigh."chlo I need details what did he do this time"James said."well his tire broke and I said let's call James and he said I'll sort it out then he came back and I suggest you again and he snapped and said I never shut up about you which is wrong because I've never even spoken about you to him"I say as I feel tears building up.

I decided to stay at James house I knew it was probably the best for me right now.Everyone was calling me but all I needed was time in myself.I took a quick nap which wasn't that quick as I woke up at 9 pm.I figured James had gone out as I made myself some food.Everyone was blowing my phone up as I decided to open them.


Where the fuck are you and why is Phil
not talking to me either

I'll be home soon

You didn't answer my question

Mason I'm fine I'll see you
tomorrow morning


I don't regret what I said
If I don't see you home by 3am I'm leaving
for the flight without you

James soon came home as we stayed up all night talking as he held me in his arms.

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