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Chapter five
all I want for Christmas is you

Chloe woke up to being cuddled in Phil's arms as she turned around and played with his hair as he had her in his arms.He slowly started to wake up as he gave me a kiss to my lips."merry Christmas baby"he said in his raspy morning voice.she held him in her arms cherishing the moment as they hadn't spent Christmas together in ages.

The two soon got out of bed as they wore matching pyjamas they had bought the other day.They both decided to wake mason up as they jumped on his bed."WAKE UP ITS FUCKING CHRISTMAS"phil screamedas mason hid his face under the duvet.
"for fucks sake I'll be downstairs in a bit"mason said half asleep.

Chloe and Phil shut his door as decided to make breakfast together as we waited for mason."I can't wait for you to open the gifts I got you"phil said."phil I told you not to get me anything"I said to him annoyed."I said the same thing but you ended up getting me something aswell"he said which made me smile.

The food was ready as mason joined us before we opened the presents.We all sat on the sofa as we gathered all the presents that had our names on.Mason opened the presents I got him as he jumped up and hugged me.He had been going on about how he wanted Jordan 4s as I got him them in three different colours.Phil opened the presents I got him as it was a box."no way you got me these"Phil said holding up the football boots I got him.

He gave me a kiss on my cheek as I opened the presents Phil."Wow you got me an envelope how nice"I said disappointed.i expected him to get me something nice however he got me an envelope.i opened it as my eyes widened.I held up two plane tickets as i felt my eyes tear up a bit.I would always tell mason and Phil how it is my dream to go to Dubai and they would always say one day you will go.

"Phil you got us tickets to go to Dubai"I said as he nodded as I smiled knowing he remembered."yeah we're going together to celebrate nye"he said.We opened other gifts we got from our friends as we cleared all the wrapping paper.Mason decided he would go spend time with his girlfriend Ava for the day.

Mason has been dating Ava for over a month however he has been keeping it a secret from mostly everyone he knows since he wants to see how it goes.It was just Phil and me left in the house as we cuddled on the sofa watching Christmas movies."chloe as much as I love watching movies with you I really wanna go out somewhere"Phil says.
"okay where do you wanna go"I said looking up at his face.

"I was thinking winter wonderland since he both haven't went before"Phil suggested.
"I would love that"I said with a smile on my face.I got up as I made my way to Phil's room and got ready.I first done my make up then my hair and finally picked out my outfit.Phil walked in without a warning as I was standing in my bra and thong."sorry didn't realise you were changing"Phil said still standing in the doorway.

"you might aswell come in"I said chuckling as I quickly put on a shirt and trousers on.Phil got ready aswell as we both finished and made our way to the driveway.Phil got in the drivers seat as I got in the passengers.London wasn't a long journey from Manchester as we entertained eachother through the whole journey.We got out as there was press everywhere with cameras.

"wait in the car for a bit then I will come and get you"Phil said getting out of the car as I grabbed his shoulder."be careful please"."I'm always careful darling"Phil said.He walked in front of the car as I could see all the camera men asking him a bunch of questions and invading his space.They managed to get a few pictures of Phil as they left.Phil opened the door as he helped me out if the car.

We entered as it felt just like Christmas,the lights,the music,the ride was just setting the moment that felt magical.We went on rides together as Phil overcame his worst fear,heights.Everything about today was something I'm always going to cherish forever.
"Come on please chlo let's go in the Photo Booth"Phil said dragging my arm.I always hated the thought of going inside a Photo Booth as god knows what people have done in there.

Since it was a Christmas I went in with him.We pulled funny faces and we even done some cute pics together.Two was printed out as Phil put the pictures in his phone case which I found cute.


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Merry Christmas bitchesss


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