Ice Ice Baby

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We were all in the mess hall. I was in between Zoey and Mike, and we were all eating our breakfast. Actually, I don't know if you could even call it breakfast. It was more like mashed up gruel, with some gross stuff in it. I wasn't really hungry, but I had nothing else to eat, so I decided to just force it down, despite how bland it was.

From behind me, I overheard Sam coughing up something. "Ugh! Now I know why gruel rhymes with cruel. Oh, sorry, man." He had clearly done something to Scott. I could feel him glaring.

/// Scott ///

*He laughs, while carving a stick with his shark tooth.*

"Wimp! I grew up on a dirt farm. I can always chomp on a clod if I get the munchies."

*He bit into a clod of dirt. All of his teeth broke.*

/// End ///

Anne Maria was spraying a bunch of hairspray while eating. Cameron coughed, and waved his hand to clear the air. Anne Maria noticed, and stopped. "Oh, sorry, short stuff. On the upside, now your lungs are waterproof!" She smiled at him. Cameron held his throat, and weakly spoke. "Wow... thanks."

Jo and Brick were challenging each other to a speed eating contest. It was getting intense, and they were both quickly scarfing down everything in their bowl without chewing. I raised my spoon, and pointed it at them. "Hey. If you don't wanna choke and die, I suggest you stop." I think I distracted Brick, 'cause he swallowed his spoon, and actually started choking. I rolled my eyes, and continued to eat my food.

"I'd prefer waffles over... whatever this is." I poked at my food, and continued talking. "They taste so much better." Jo punched Brick in the back, which caused him to cough up the utensil. Mike smiled at me. "I like waffles, too!" The spoon hit him in the side of the head, to which he gasped. "Mike! Are you alright?!" I anxiously asked, and put a hand on his arm. He rubbed his head, and raised his voice. "No! Darn kids! Back in my day, we ate with our hands, like decent folk!"

I chuckled at him. "Haha! You're hilarious!" Zoey looked at both of us in confusion. "Yeah! Unless... unless you're not joking. But, you are. Right?" She nervously laughed, while I eyed her, and then Mike. "Of course he's joking! It's supposed to be funny!" Jo crossed her arms. "Lose the old man impression. It offends my sense of victory." Mike raised an eyebrow. "Impression? Why, I oughta-" I put a hand on his chest, and forced him to sit down. "Sit down, Ches." I, however, leaned forward, and eyed Jo, and spoke again. "Don't push your luck."

/// Mike ///

"Okay, okay, I admit it! I... I have multiple personality disorder. I try real hard to control them, but... they never listen to me!"

/// End ///

"Don't worry, sunshine, I wasn't going to." I growled at her stupid nickname. Suddenly, Mike gasped, and looked around, confused.

/// Dusk ///

"Okay, seriously. What is going on with the gasping? I know these comedy acts are just personified skills, and he gets out of it like that, but... seriously? He's got me so invested that I'm starting to use the names of the acts subconsciously! Scratch that, I'm giving them nicknames!"

/// End ///

Out of the blue, Cameron gasped. I looked over to him. "Look! A cute little Apodemus sylvaticus!" I widened my eyes as it started floating, and its eyes glowed green. It started attacking and blowing up everything, so everybody ran out of the cafeteria, screaming. It threw a fridge at us, but we narrowly avoided it.

I stood beside Dawn, as we all caught our breath. I looked around, and discovered that Mike wasn't with us. "Huh? Where's..." My question was answered automatically when Mike was thrown out of the cafeteria, and landed on his face. I swiftly ran over, and knelt by him. "Mike! You okay?!" He lifted himself up, and shook the dizziness off. "Ugh... yeah, I'm fine."

The Sunchild (Mike x OC)Where stories live. Discover now