Backstabbers Ahoy!

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I was suddenly awoken by an incredibly loud horn. I sat up, and hit my head against the bottom bunk of someone's bed. "Ah, crap! What the heck is going on?!" I raised my voice over the repeating song it was playing. Jo yelled back. "If that's Brick's alarm, so help me...!" She stormed out, and I groaned, holding my head in slight discomfort.

/// Sam ///

"Man, my ears haven't rung like that since I played Guitar Band 9 on maximum rockness."

*He pulled out his gaming device, chuckled, and played it as he hunched over.*

/// End ///

/// Lightning ///

"And, there I was, on the one-yard line, ready to score a touchdown, and win the Superbowl... When the new guy's alarm clock went off! If he wakes me up one more time like that, he's gonna get struck by Lightning!"

/// End ///

/// Scott ///

"Show you what I'm gonna do to Brick..."

*He shoved Brick's alarm down the toilet after punching it several times. Suddenly, the Reveille alarm began to play again.*

"What the...?"

*He looked into the toilet, only to get sprayed with water.*

/// End ///

I put on my normal clothes, and walked outside. All of a sudden, I heard Cameron's voice. "Hey, Dusk!" I turned my head to see him peeking his head out of the door of the boys' side. I greeted him. "Hey, Cam. What's up?" He lowered his voice, and whispered to me quietly, urging me inside. "Come here, quick! There's something you have to see!"

I nodded at him silently, and looked around to check that nobody was watching, before going inside. "Watch this..." He pointed up at Mike. I raised an eyebrow, as Cameron picked up a notepad, and a pencil. "Alright, guys... Settle down..." Mike said, either half-asleep, or fully. He was about to jump from his bed. I nervously spoke. "Mike, hold-" Cameron put a finger to my lips, and shushed me. "Shh! Just watch."

He stretched out his arms. "Stick ze landing, Svetlana! Practice makes perfect ten, hya..." She then proceeded to do a flip off of the top bunk, before failing, and landing imperfectly. I mean, who could blame her? Mike was basically asleep. Suddenly, his hair slicked down, and he raised his finger. "You're goin' down, twinkle toes." Vito? What on Earth...? His hair then raised back up, as he shook his fist. "I've had it with you punks..." Chester?!

Cameron continued to make notes, while I simply watched in awe. He looked up at me. "Isn't this fascinating?" I didn't make eye contact with Cameron, I only continued to look down at Mike. Or... Chester... or, whatever. "Yeah. Fascinating..."

Cameron looked up at me. "So far, I've only documented three personalities within Mike. The Russian Gymnast..." "Svetlana." I replied. "...The Old Man..." I grew slightly tense at the labels being given. "Chester." "...And the Egocentric Jersey Boy." I turned to him. "Vito!" He gasped, and turned to me. "You've met them all, face-to-face?!" I looked away awkwardly. "Well, I saved Chester from falling to his death, I've kissed Vito, and I've had a conversation with Svetlana. Nothing much..."

He smiled. "Dusk, that is much! No, it's amazing! You've had complex interactions with these personalities! I need to study them as intricately as you are." I raised an eyebrow. "Cameron, I'm not... I'm not studying them. I think... I think, since I spend so much time with Mike, it's just normal for us to interact." "Okay, well, what do you think your relationship with them would be?" I put a hand to my chin. "Well, I suppose... I know that Vito and Svetlana like me, I'm just not sure how Chester feels."

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