Chapter 8 - It's a date!

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I've been up since five

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I've been up since five. My whole body buzzed with energy. I needed something to keep me busy so I went down to the kitchen to make breakfast. Which I never do but for some reason I wanted to do it for Eloise. It was a Saturday so luckily neither I nor Eloise had to work.

I still couldn't believe what happened between me and Eloise. The thought of our first kiss brought a smile to my face. It isn't just the tension that created a spark between us, but feelings as well. These feelings that I had for her were terrifying and exhilarating at the same time. I keep wanting a bigger part of her each day and it scares the living daylights out of me.

I was busy whisking the eggs for the omelette I was planning to make when I heard a soft yawn behind me. I turned around and found Eloise standing in the doorway. Her hair was a bit ruffled and her eyes were a bit puffy from sleep. She must have just woken up. Even in her disheveled appearance she still managed to make my heart race. I think even if Eloise wore a potato sack I'd still find her attractive. Gosh I was so whipped for this woman.

In the past, I would never have stayed long enough to see a woman wake up after spending the night with her, but for some reason, I revelled in the idea of waking up to Eloise every day.

"Good morning, El." I said to her as I walked closer to her and pressed a kiss into her hair. "Morning." She said with a groggy voice. She was silent for a moment before she looked up at me. "El?" She stared at me with a smile. "Short for Eloise. Feels like I need a better nickname for you than Darlin' now that we're onto second base." I smiled down at her. She nodded in agreement with a small laugh.

"Well watcha cooking hotshot?" She said with a smirk. I laughed at the ridiculous nickname she gave me in return. "Well El, I'm making us an omelette." I said as I tugged her closer to the stove. "You're not vegetarian or vegan or anything right?" I turned around nervously. I hadn't even thought to ask her before. What if I just made this omelette for nothing? I wanted to cook something for her since she's cooked for me a few times already, so that it could be something we shared.

"Luckily for you, I'm not." She said as she stepped closer and wrapped her arms around my middle. Seems like I wasn't the only one having trouble keeping our hands off each other. I didn't mind it at all. Each time we touched it felt like the sky was clearing up after a rainy day.

She eventually untangled herself from me and helped me finish the omelette. We dished up and sat next to each other as we ate breakfast. It felt nice, more than nice actually.

We were almost finished eating when Eloise's phone rang. She picked it up from the table with a frown. As soon as she saw who it was she declined the call. "Your dad again?"

"Yes, unfortunately." She huffed.
"Maybe you should answer next time to see what he wants. Maybe he'll stop bothering you then." I said softly as I laid my hand on top of hers. "Yeah maybe." She said deep in thought.

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