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"Holly!!" I heard someone call me from downstairs.

"Coming!!" I yelled taking my purse and jacket.

"Hurry up Holly!" I heard my dad say.

"Coming dad!!" I yelled back.

"I hate going to go meet your girlfriend all the way in London, I mean couldn't I stay with Bruce here. I hate going on like fifteen hours in a freaking plane" I said.

"No your brother is waiting for us outside and he is coming. Plus you can't stay here alone in New York" dad said,

"I am so sorry, I just don't like Connie dad" I said.

"It's final your going" dad said. I groaned.


"Josh" Connie said when we got to her house. She was in the porch waiting for us, I was so tired.

"You look tired" Bruce said placing his arm over my shoulders.

"You don't have a freaking idea, how much I hate this idea of being here with dad's girlfriend" I told him.

"Holly dear" she said hugging me.

'Be nice' dad mouthed to me.

"Hi Connie" I said faking excitement.

"Wow you've grown so much, c'mon ill show you kids your room" she said, walking inside with my dad. Bruce took my hand and dragged me inside when he saw me putting no effort on it.


"This is your room" she said opening the door for me. The walls where between brown, blue and green; The bed had a white flower type comforter with green, brown and blue shaggy pillows, the room had a brown shaggy carpet, flower paintings, it had bean bags and a sofa in a corner, a walk in closet, a bathroom, everything fitted perfectly in here.

"Wow this place is so freaking awesome" I said lying in my bed.

"I'm glad you liked it, I designed it myself" she said. I couldn't help but to hug her.

"Wow there sweetheart" she said hugging back

"Thanks for at least trying to get along with me. Every girlfriend my dad has wants to send me to boarding school" I said.

"I would never send you to boarding school, my dear" she said

"So where are dad and Bruce?" I asked.

"Unpacking but I need to make some groceries, do you wanna come?"

"Yeah, sure Connie, I need to buy some candy and nutella" I said

"Then take your purse and well go" she said. I knew she wanted to tell me something else but she was too afraid I'll reject her.

"I know you wanna tell me something, so go ahead" I told her. I was expecting comments of about how I was dressed, how I was.

"Don't call me Connie. Call me mom, step mom or hey you with the blond hair, if you want" she said.

"Wow that took me off guard" I whispered.

"Its okay if you call me mom?" she said. 

"I guess you deserve to be called mom, at least you care about me"   I said.

"I know you miss your mum but so you know, ill be here for you. I know I can't be her, or top her. But I'm going to try to be like a mom to you. Just know that I'm going to be there for you, like a friend or like a mom" she said. I smiled.

"I'm glad to hear that" I said.

"This was a cheesy moment, wasn't it?" she asked. we both laughed. "Lets go get nutella, ice cream and some take out okay?" she asked. I nodded. We both made our way to the car and then our way to the grocery store

Charmed (A One Direction FanFic) (Liam Payne Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now