Chapter 2: Flashback, Drowning and Movie Night

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Chapter 2: Flashback, Drowning and Movie Night

I laid on back resting a little bit. I was so damn bored. I did every chore I had. Connie or mom as I call her now, ill call her just mom and dad let me have a pool party and my brother is inviting his idiot friends.

"Don’t wear a bikini if your friend is coming" he said.

"Shut it up, I’m not in a happy mode" I said


I was sitting on the edge of the pool alone; Liam hasn’t arrive so I think he isn’t coming. I stood there watching my reflection in the water.

I saw some sunflowers and roses on the garden. I slipped my sun dress on and put my flip flops. I got up and walked up to the beautiful fountain next to the flowers.

It had that feeling that brought to me, when my mom was here with us. As I remembered my mom, memories of us popped up in front of me.


I was sitting next to mom, watching her every move while gardening the beautiful roses and sunflowers she bought today.

"Holly Aren’t they beautiful" my mother asked referring to the beautiful flowers, while covering the hole with dirt.

I nodded excitedly. "Not as you, right Bruce?" dad said and Bruce nodded.

"Daddy!!" I exclaimed running towards him. He scooped me up in his arms and kissed my forehead.

"Mommy look what we bought you" Bruce said. I giggled seeing my brother carrying the beautiful yellow dahlias he carried.

"This is our garden, our beautiful family garden" mom said. I smiled contemplating the beautiful beach house, my mom adored as much as I did.

"Is time for beach time" dad said. The four of us ran into the water, having water fights, building sand castles, swimming and laying in the sun.

"I love you kids, I love you Josh" mom said kissing dad and hugging the three of us.

End of flashback

A small tear fell on my lap. Remembering those days, when we were a family, mom was alive and everything was perfect. But perfect doesn’t seem the same anymore

my phone beeped announcing a new text.

Liam: Sorry can’t make it. :(

Me: Its okay

I want to be cold inside, but that’s just not me. Life is not fair to me. Everything I love, leaves or dies. Everything I really cared for just doesn’t care or is not meant to be.

"You okay?" someone said beside me. I turned to look and it was Mikey. My old best guy friend

"Yeah, just it’s too hard" I said

"You miss her?" Mikey said. I nodded, braking into tears in a matter of seconds. "I miss my mom too" Mikey said.

"But you seem as if nothing was happening" I said

"Outside but inside, is as if I lost an important piece of my heart" he said

"I feel like it too, my mom and I were too tight. It’s been five years Mikey" I said

"I know Holls, I know. But its time to move on don’t you think, your dad deserves to be happy too ya know" he said hugging me.

"Yeah, I like Connie. She’s sweet, but she could never replace my mother as perfect as she is for my father" I said

"At least your step mom likes you mine hates me to death" he said

"You are one amazing guy, how could she not like you. I so love you to death and I like you as you are. You’re like my other brother" I said. He hugged me, I hugged him back. I love this guy and know him to well.

"If that Liam guy breaks your heart, ill kill him, you’re my baby sister and I love you so so much" he said. I giggled, I love ya Mike" I said

He picked me up and throw me at the pool, then jumped in too. I surfaced and started laughing. Mikey laughed too, his hair throw on their forehead.

I felt a pain in my body; I felt my self too tired. I tried to swim to the side of the pool and I couldn’t anymore.

"Holly!!" was the last I heard before I dozed off.


"Is she okay?" I heard Bruce say, I immediately woke up startled at the voice of my brother

"Yeah she is, she is just a little exhausted, except she has one problem" the doctor said

"What?" Dad asked

"Is it bad?" Connie asked

"No she had a cramp and swallowed too much water, but she’s okay" the doctor said and I just fell apart


I hated that everyone treated me like a baby, I couldn’t stand up because my legs hurt. My body ached horrifyingly. I was going through a cold.

"Do you need something Holls?" Mikey asked sitting next to me.

"Can you bring me juice?" I asked. Mikey nodded and walked outside of the room.

I took my phone, which I had turned off two days ago. I had missed calls and messages from all these days. But one message called my attention

Liam: Sorry I haven’t called. Been busy this week. How are you love?

I was debating between telling him or not. But something inside me told me not to tell. Just yet.

Me: Wanna meet up? I’m pretty bored to say so. I’m fine what bout u?

I sat right up. Feeling much better. My back hurt to say least. Talking with Liam made my day; it was refreshing to talk to someone new.

Liam: Yeah, Ill come over to your house if you want?

I smiled replying back

Me: Of course Li

Liam: Where do u live?

I typed in the address and send it to him. I didn’t get ready, cause I got ready like what? Half an hour ago

I was wearing grey yoga pants, sneakers, one of my brother's white t-shirts and my hair was in a high ponytail with a grey headband. Plus my caramel color glasses

Liam: I live nearby. Ill be there in a few minutes. Does it matter if I go in sweats and I bring a friend?

I giggled. Really, I wouldn’t what he was wearing.

Me: Were only hanging out, not going on a catwalk. I wouldn’t mind and yes you can bring a friend.

Liam: I know just making sure, love. I’m almost there ;)

I giggled getting up and walking downstairs holding onto the sidebar besides the stairs. Dad paid for them install it for me yesterday, its not like I’m going to faint every time. Well maybe a little.

The doorbell rang and I walked towards it, opening it.

"Hey" Liam said

"Hey" I said.

"Hi I’m Harry" the other one said. Smiling cockily at me. I smile at him

"I’m Holly" I said. "Come in guys, is not like were going to eat you" I said

they entered shyly.

"Josh, Bruce has to stop drinking its bad for him" Mom said walking the stairs with dad.

"Mom, dad" I called them, grabbing the attention

"Holls what are you doing walking around, you have to rest" dad said

"Dad I’m okay" I said "Dad, mom this are Liam and Harry" I said to them, I turned to the guys

"Guys this is my stepmom or mom, Connie and this is my father Josh" I told them.

"OMG!" mom said hyperventilating. "You’re Harry Styles and your Liam Payne" she said. They smiled at her waving awkwardly.

"Are we missing something here?" dad asked

"Like duh, they are 2/5 of One Direction" she said. I stood there blankly.

"You’re in a boy band?" I asked. They nodded,

"Cool" dad said. "Go have fun kids" dad said dragging mom along with her.

"Weird" Harry said.

"Yeah, my family is crazy" I stated, leading them towards the family room.

I could feel someone staring at my butt. I glanced behind me; I caught curly staring at my butt. I laughed

"like what you see curly fries?" I asked. He blushed and laughed

"Your fit and hot" he said

"I’m flattered, you two are fit and hot too" I stated. I walked towards a seat and plopped down, Liam and Harold did the same sitting on either sides of me.

"What movie?" I asked, I was on suggesting Toy Story.

"Toy Story" Liam said. I giggled.

"Read my mind" I said.

"Wow, you two are made for each other. Plus Liam you are totally right she’s perfect" Harold said

I blushed a deep red and Liam did too. Liam took a pillow throwing it at Harry and landed perfectly in his head.

Those made me break off in a fit of giggles. Man I love this guys and I just met them.

"So beautiful tell us about yourself" Harry said.

"I’m 17, turning 18 next month. I’m from New York, I have a brother and I live with him, my stepmom and dad. My mom died five years ago, in an accident. I love to eat, sleep and well sing, dance, and play soccer" I told them

"Wow your awesome, your like the only girl I’ve met that likes to play soccer" harry said

"So do you like me?" Harry asked eagerly.

"Harry I’ve met you and you’re cute and everything but I kind of have a crush on someone else" I said glancing at Liam. Harry smiled knowing, Liam was watching toy story intently.

"Wow you’re the perfect for each other" Harry said.

"I felt attracted towards him since I met him, He’s got something I've never felt towards anyone else" I said.

"I feel like a third wheel" he whispered.

"Haha your not a third wheel, I bet Liam doesn’t feel that way" I whispered

"You know he likes you" Harry said

"I don’t know, well find out" I said yawning. I was so dang tired

"He likes you, I know so" Harry said

"Sure Haz" I said. I rested my head on Liam's lap. He smiled down at me

"I’m not disturbing you?" I asked

"Nop" he said playing with my hair, twirling it around. I was really tired and fell asleep on Liam's lap.

Charmed (A One Direction FanFic) (Liam Payne Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now