Eli Messina POV

Father comes back home but without Levi. I look at him from the staircase but he shakes his head.

"He died" he simply says.

My whole world crashed around me. Levi is dead. My older brother is dead. I didn't even have the chance to say goodbye to him. He just ... Died.

"Now you are the oldest brother in this house, Elijah" I stare at him trying to understand what he means by that. "And as the oldest you are going to have to learn a few things. Just like Leviticus had learned" he walks closer to me and stops when he is right in front of me.

"What things, father?" I ask him confused but he simply smirks.

"Well how bad that you never learned what Leviticus was going through. You weren't a good brother, Elijah".

"I was".

"Did you just back talk to me?" I look at him confused.

"No. I ... I always talk like that".

"Not anymore".

And then the things go a lot worse than I thought it would ever go. My first ever punishment.

Levi Messina POV

When I open my eyes, I shut my eyes immediately because of the pain that shoots through my whole body. I take a deep breath and take everything in me to sit up at the bed. When I achieve to sit up, I look confused around me. That's not my room back home. Neither the hospital. Where am I?

The flashbacks come thrusting back to my mind. My father left me at the woods all alone after he beaten me up really bad. Then two men came and one of them called their boss and they said something. Where the fuck am I?

I pull my hand on my forehead and groan in annoyance. He (my father) killed my siblings. He deserves to die. I'll kill him one day. That's for sure. But for now I have to leave from here.

I stand up slowly and sit at the edge of the bed. I take everything in me to stand up and when I do I shut my eyes and pull my hand over my mouth so I don't let any groan out again. I walk towards the window and look outside. I try to open it but with no success.

"What the heck?" I whisper to myself.

I give up and try to turn back to the bed but then the door opens and I see a man standing there. He looks familiar but I don't remember ever meeting him.

"Why did you get up, Levi?" the man asks me. His voice is kind of a hard one. Baritone too.

"How do you ... Know my name?" I ask him confused.

"You said it to my men yesterday when they found you" I just keep my stare at him the whole time. "Why were you out of the woods, Levi?".

He takes a step forward and I stumble back. He stops walling and stares at me from my head till my toes and then back to my head. He softly frowns.

"Where am I?" I ask him.

"You don't know me?" he asks me confused.

"You seem familiar but I don't remember ever meeting you".

"My name is Valentine" I stare at him. What's his last name? "Valentine De Luca" I softly gulp and take another step backwards but I fall up to the wall.

"Y-You are a ... Mafia boss" he softly smiles at me.

"Yeah. I'm known about that. I admit it" he walks towards me and I look up at him.

"Are you going to hurt me?" I ask him when he stops right in front of me. He looks at me confused.

"Hurt you?" he asks me more confused.

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