Alessandro made me think a bit about the whole situation with Silas. I don't know what their father did to him (Silas) but I know for sure that it was bad. Really bad. I walk straight upstairs at Silas' room and knock on his door. He doesn't answer. He is probably not inside.

"He could be anywhere. Ugh" I say in a low voice.

I go downstairs and knock on his office door. Nothing again. I search the whole mansion but nothing. I was ready to go to my room when Ryker walks upstairs.

"Levi? What are you doing here?" Ryker asks me.

"I'm searching for Silas".

"Training room".

"Thanks" I try to leave but he stops me (he grabs my arm and stops me when I'm right next to him). We look at each other.

"He is really angry. Stay safe".

Then he walks into the kitchen and I walk downstairs at the training room. The moment that I enter the room, a knife comes flying over me. I catch it easily and look at Silas.

"If you want to kill me, just ask for it" he turns around and looks at me.

"Sorry about that".

"Are you okay?" I walk near him and hand him the knife.

"Of course. Why wouldn't I?" he takes the knife and walks away from me. I nod at myself and look back at him.

"I want to apologize for yesterday" he stops walking but doesn't turn around. "I shouldn't pressure you to tell me anything. I'm just a man in this Mafia. You are my boss. I'm sorry about yesterday. It won't happen again" he turns around and looks at me. His face expression harder than before.

"I never said that you are just a man in this Mafia, Levi. I'm not your boss".

"Then what are we?".

"I don't know".

"Well that doesn't make the hole situation better".

"I just need a little time. Okay? I'm not at my best the last few days".

"And you think that I am? Inside of a few days I found my brothers, recalled everything from the past, got shot, tried to die and no one of you knows what more happened those past few days" he just stares at me. "I didn't take my anger out on you. I tried to stand by your side. I tried to help. To understand why the fuck is going on with you. You push me away, Silas. You push me".

"That's not my intention".

"Then try to do something".

"I just can't. Alright? I don't have your fucking strength and will to continue when something is happening. For me it takes time. More time than you would ever need".

"You really think that I don't need time?".

"You don't show that you need".

"That doesn't mean that I don't need".

"Then let's take it differently. I show and say how I feel. You don't. You never did".

"And never will".

"See? You say it yourself. That shows that you have a lot more strength than me with your mental health".

"Or I just don't want to show that side of myself".

"Because of my father?".

"Mine too".

"I-I don't know, Levi".

"I came here to apologize about how I reacted and what I said. Now I'm thinking about it again" he stares at me as his stare softened. "Because I don't show my feelings and my pain, it doesn't mean that I don't feel anything. What you said yesterday, really hurt me. I prefer you to shoot me than say something like that again".

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