• Broken Bond •

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You and Solomon were now in the Devildom to visit the brothers aswell as the other demons there like Diavolo and Barbatos, yet things took a turn when you were told such unfortunate news about the brothers bond being broken apart.

"Mammon ran away due to the way he was treated by his brothers unfortunately.... He couldn't handle it anymore and snapped, deciding to run away and never return to the House of Lamentation..." Diavolo spoke about the reason on why Mammon ran away...

"I felt that this was something to be expected considering the way they treated Mammon never changed..." Solomon responded to Diavolo with a serious look on his face.

"It's already been months since he's gone...." Diavolo added as he sighed deeply while looking down at the ground with sadness in his eyes.

"Meanwhile just a week after Mammon's gone, Beelzebub couldn't handle the guilt of being the reason for Mammon being gone.. Belphegor also felt Beel's guilt and realised how much he messed up when they realised Mammon didn't return at all like last time...." Barbatos spoke as despite the look on his face barely showing emotion, you can tell from the tone of his voice he was also sad about this event.

"And with that it resulted to them running away aswell all of a sudden without notice...?" Solomon asked with Diavolo nodding to confirm it.

"For Leviathan... He only isolated himself but the reason is because of guilt... Same reason to why the twins ran away only this time he just decided to lock himself in his room..." Barbatos then spoke as he sighed.

You would hear all of this as the three can clearly see how devasted to hear how things turned out while you were away for just a year..

" And what about the way the remaining brothers have been acting..? Satan seemed to be a bit angry towards Asmo..." Solomon decided to ask while looking at Barbatos and Diavolo for their answers.

"Only a few days after the twins ran away... They started blaming each other for the reason their family was falling apart... Meanwhile for Lucifer... He's now been a bit more distant and felt heavy guilt..." Diavolo answered Solomon's question.

"I was only gone for a year.... I know a year feels like a decade for them but still.... Why did things have to end up this way for them....?" I decided to speak after being silent throughout this conversation as my voice sounded shaky from how devasted I am to hear such news about the brothers' bond just falling apart..

"It's honestly sad that they've been so close for thousands of year only for this close of a bond to be broken..." Solomon spoke as he looked down at the ground feeling sad about what happened.

"While these are unfortunate news... Fortunately I think Mammon would be fine with it if you two knew where he is...." Diavolo decided to speak indicating that he knows exactly where Mammon is which made your face light up.

"You know where he is!?" I asked looking right up at Diavolo desperate to know where Mammon currently is.

"Well yes actually, we do know since he decided to tell us.. Shows how he trusts us to not tell his brothers as he doesn't want to be found unless it's you.." Barbatos answered you while looking down at you.

"He's actually hiding in the Purgatory Hall with the angels.. Before you ask.. Yes the brothers tried to look there but Simeon and Luke made sure they didn't find him.." Diavolo added as he looked at you.

You sighed in slight relief as you felt your chest lighten a little now that you know where Mammon is at and that he's atleast safe.

"For the twins it is still unsure to where exactly their location is..." Barbatos decided to say as an unfortunate news involving the twins' dissappearance.

"Well.... Atleast I know where Mammon is now... Also the angels are here..?" I asked Diavolo as I looked at him wanting confirmation.

"Yes.. They're temporary students here at RAD.. Same goes for you and Solomon.." Diavolo answered as a slight smile formed on his face smiling at you.

"Well, I already knew but MC here haven't yet." Solomon replied as a slight smile appeared on his face, just mentioning your name really boosted his mood up a bit.

"Well now you know" Diavolo spoke to you chuckling softly after with a small smile on his face. But it quickly faded away.

"Though MC.. This is probably a quest for you that will take time... But I want you to try to mend the brothers' bond..." Diavolo decided to speak as Barbatos nodding, agreeing to what Diavolo said.

"Me..?" I spoke, looking at them as I tilt my head.

"Mhm.. You have the closest bond towards the brothers so the chance of succeeding is high..." Barbatos replied as he looked at him.

"Plus, you did fix the bond between the brothers and Belphegor after that incident" Solomon added looking at me with a slight smile of hope.

"Well... If it helps them become a family again then I'll do it..." I replied nodding as I agreed to do this quest.

"Thank you MC... We'll be counting on you.. Of course you're not alone for we'll be assisting you.." Diavolo responded to what you said as a small smile formed on his face.

And on that very day is the start of your quest/goal to bring the brothers back together and fix the bond they have broken. You then head out from RAD with Solomon to go to the Purgatory Hall to visit the angels but mostly to check on Mammon who's been hiding there ever since he ran away.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2023 ⏰

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