lost and found..

46 2 3

Side note:earth 1610 miles is gonna referred to as milesss now

Miles stood in awe as he watched naomi step confidently into a swirling portal that had suddenly appeared before her. Surrounding her were a group of diverse spider people, each with unique powers. The portal closed behind them, leaving Miles filled with concern as if she might have been in trouble.

"Yo,why you just looking outside?" One of miles's friend said as he caught him looking outside, as soon as miles heard him he turned around and slowly pushed him out the way and hopes for going home to rush into his prowler suit. Now he may have pretended that he didn't really care for naomi but deep down he knew he was worried.

As soon as miled got home he told his mom how much he loved her and went upstairs, as he was looking for his prowler suit he got this strange wave of concern again, as if she was lost and he had to find her. But then again it's not like she got sucked into the portal..she walked in.

Naomi pov:

After he told me his name i stared at him with a shocked look on my face " your name is-miles? " I said as he looked back at me with a also surprise face.

"Your name is Naomi?" Miless said looking me up and down and continuing his question, it took a few seconds to process and then he explain how he knew someone exactly identical to me who had my face and name. It was creepy as hell but I didn't really think too much of it ,after all he did look like miles too so this must be common for him..

After that awkward moment I asked a million questions,about where I was,what this is,and all."are you his long lost twin or something??" I asked Miless.

"Something like that" he answered as he kept walking with me, since we were both a bit confused and we kept asking questions along the whole way.. I mean who wouldn't?? I was bored and looking for an adventure anyway.

The whole time I couldn't help but think about miles, I tried to warn my thoughts about him but I just couldn't help it after seeing somebody literally exactly identical to him. All this is happening so fast and it's weird..

I mean, I guess I wouldn't my being a superhero? The suit,the missions, the fighting, powers, all of that and to save the world!! I know it sounds corny but if that's what I'm getting myself into I might as well be into it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18 ⏰

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