Chapter 3

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"Andrew, you are too old for all of this!" My mom yelled.

"Mom please calm down it's not that big of a matter for you to shout okay?" I calmed her down.
She glared at me, stood up and walked away and into the kitchen.

I turned to my father and Jimmy as they were both shocked by my mother's behavior.

I sighed, "Dad can you please say something to her?"

"Unfortunately you know your mother is very stubborn and won't even listen to me son maybe you should consider her option."

Okay, so my mom had suggested that I get married to some woman I know nothing of and so I refused and my mom went ballistic on me. She always had a way of wanting to manipulate me and it never worked well... it did but only once when I was seven years old and she manipulated me into playing basketball and it did help me because I am very good at it now well extraordinary.

Jimmy looked at me with an annoyed smile, "Andrew London why can't you just do what she tells you to do for once maybe you will like this woman she set you up with."
"Maybe is the keyword okay!"

My dad sipped his tea and looked at me with a serious face, "Andrew I hate seeing your mother angry and I order you to do what she told you to do."

"But Dad-"

"Andrew!!" He yelled.

"Great I'm outnumbered even my own best friend doesn't support me wow!" I raise my hands up in the air showing how I surrendered.

We all went silent for a moment and I decided to break the ice.

"I won't do it and no one will force me not you dad nor Jimmy and certainly not mom."

"Unbelievable." Jimmy rolled his eyes.

"I will destroy your whole career in a
second Andrew!!" My dad shouted.
"Mr London you can't do that."

"Oh you would also like to have no career right?" He furiously asked Jimmy.

"No, no sir but I would like to see you try and-"

"Dad don't involve Jimmy in this okay." I warned my dad.

Me and my father started arguing and Jimmy seemed annoyed so he stood up and was about to go to the kitchen when my mom came back with a smile as she was holding her phone.

"Andreeeeeeww," She sang, " I was on a call with your father-in-law and guess what!" She smiled brightly.

"Mom sorry to ruin your happiness but-"

"We are meeting them tomorrow! Isn't that amazing!?" She happily screamed.


My dad started laughing and smiled at my mom, "That's good news honey I better prepare a suit for Andrew and I right son?"

Wrong dad I was not up to this bad news.
"Dad, Mom please-"

"I think maybe even Jimmy can come along." She sat down next to me.

"I'm not actually available tomorrow Mrs London."

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