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Riley's POV 

"Miss?" A voice said breaking me from my sleep, I jumped a little wrapping my arm across my chest letting the fear settle as soon as I met her warmth
Emery was still sound asleep against my chest, her little brown hair pushed back with the bow while her hands and feet were happily covered by her sleep suit 
"You wanted town centre right? It's the next stop" The little old lady said next to me, I offered her a smile before trying to gather the bags I had managed to bring with me 

It's was 6:30am at this point, I was surprised that public transport was running at this point but I couldn't be more thankful 

"Everyone has a story love, I'm sure yours is a step away from making sense to you" The lady said offering me a warm smile as I headed off of the bus 
The kindness of strangers at 6am I guess 

I hadn't been in this town for 6 years but it still remained the same 
The centre was pickled with old family business' most of which were still closed but there were a few that had started to awaken 
I made my way through the town with my bag on my back and a small suitcase. It had what I needed, Emery's clothes, her nappies, everything she needed to be happy and safe 
I left everything of mine behind, I didn't need the reminder of what I was walking away 
It could easily be replaced

 Emily moved back here for College, must to our parents dismay. I wished day in and day out that I could have gone back with her but that wasn't an option no matter how much I wished it was..
She was the only person I knew I could run to now 
Everyone I left behind here probably didn't remember and they certainly didn't have any obligation to help me right now 
Emily was my only hope

I walked through the same streets I used to take to the Studio when I was a kid, Emily and I fell in love with Dance at a young age. No matter where our parents took us, no matter where we ended up - Dance was something that stayed the same for us
Our own little escape from reality

When she told me that she had taken over The Next Step after college, I wasn't surprised. In fact I was stupidly proud 
She merged her two favourite things. Dance and bossing people around 

I headed into the familiar building only solidifying that nothing changes in this town
It was the same old building, the same set up, the only difference were the people in the photos

By the time we had gotten to the Studio it was nearing 7am so the fact that it was open shocked me but the fact that Studio A was full of music shocked me even more
Leaving my bags in the corridor, Emery and I headed towards the music. Luckily it wasn't too loud that it was affect Emmie at all
I was not ready for what I saw when I walked into that studio

I knew 3 out 4 of those boys..
Eldon the same blonde haired boy that Emily and I had practically grown up with, he might as well me the closest thing to a brother that I'll ever get
West, the joker of our little group. If you were anything short of Happy he would change that with one of his one liners 
And James.. The same bushy tailed boy. The happiness on his face was unmatched. He was in his element and he knew it - The smile on his face was one of the many reason I felt the way I did about him

The three of them had grown up, without me.. and I couldn't blame them at all

"Company alert" The fourth both spoke making me snap back into reality
"Sorry love, the Studio isn't open to the public yet" He called
"Hunt-" West started
"It'll open in about an hour" He continued
"Hunter shut up" Eldon said making Hunter look over his shoulder at all of the boys before looking at me

James took a step towards me like he was going to say something but that was swiftly dodged by another voice cutting him off
"Riley?!" Emily's voice rung back me snap around to see her walking into the room, looking more put together then I certainly did right now 

"Em" I practically cried before falling into her arms being mindful of Emery who was somehow still asleep 

"Oh shit, that's Riley?" I heard Hunter say as Emily stroked my hair guiding me out of the studio towards her office 


"Riley, what are you doing here? You had a baby 2 weeks ago, you in no way should be travelling alone let along lugging around luggage" She said nodding towards my things that someone had obviously brought into her office, notifying her of my presence
"Where is Oscar? He should-" She continued before I shook my head at her looking at her with a pleading glance 
"Please don't call him, don't tell him I'm here. Please Em you have to I-" I started before looking down at Emery who stirred slightly cuddling up to my closer making me close my eyes 

"I can't put Emery through that. He can't know we're here" I whispered stroking her cheek lightly 

"Riley.." Emily breathed out moving forward to sit in the chair next to me
"What's going on" she asked but I shook my head looking up at her

"You can't tell him were here, please Emily" I whispered
"I need you" I pleaded earning a small shallow nod from Emily as she leant forward pulling me into another hug 

"I've got you" she whispered knowing that is exactly what I needed to hear right now 

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