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Riley's POV

"You know you can talk to us though Riley" Michelle said offering me a small smile as we sat in Emily's office. Emily was off with the boys sorting out some class or something so Michelle stayed back to keep Emmie and I company 
"It's strange being back I won't lie" I said sighing as I looked around the room
Emily came back at a good point.. She got to rekindle everything when she was practically still a kid
I on the other hand have just come back head first in the hope that things will fall into place 

It was a bit stupid of me to think that would be the case if I'm honest

"I bet, after you guys left things certainly changed around here. Maybe with you being back it'll get back to how it was" Michelle winked nudging me slightly
"I suppose" I shrugged
"And think, your little lady will have the worlds craziest aunties and uncles" She said smiling down at Emery who was surprisingly awake 

She was only 2 weeks old and this was the first time she had been this week and this alert at all
2 weeks old and I've already ripped the world away from her

"Where are you staying while you are here?" Michelle asked
"Oh uh James offered us his spare room since his roommate moved out" I said earning nothing short of a smirk from Michelle
"James huh?" She asked making me nod clearly missing something

"You're moving in with James?!" A voice said from the corridor making both us look up to see Emily walking into the office with her clipboard in hand
"Yeah? What's wrong with that?" I asked
"I just assumed you would be coming back with me?" Emily suggest
"I guess Jamesy beat you to the punch there Em" Michelle sniggered 
"Am i missing something here?" I asked but Michelle shook her head while Emily continue to remain annoyed 


"Do you mind watching her, I just need to go to the bathroom?" I asked Michelle who happily nodded before taking Emery from my arms, she stirred slightly from her after milk coma before cooing to herself putting herself back to sleep 

As soon as I got to the bathroom, I took to the one thing I had been avoiding since I got here.. I turned my phone back on anticipating that things would only take a turn for the worse 
I knew that he would have noticed by now, he probably reached out to my Dad knowing how close they were
I'm surprised they hadn't called Emily at this point..

Up first was a small spam from Oscar which I saw coming from a mile away

Up first was a small spam from Oscar which I saw coming from a mile away

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The threat was a given.. but it also didn't help me prepare for it at all 

Next up was a few messages from Dad..

He would of course me on Oscar's side

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He would of course me on Oscar's side.. Oscar wouldn't have told him the entire story but I think even if he had...  Dad would not have bat and eye lid at all

I wanted to trust her, I wanted to be able to call her and talk to her in the hope she'll be able give me some sort of guidance But I didn't, I couldn't risk itIf Dad was there, if Oscar was there it would be game overThey would know exactly where...

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I wanted to trust her, I wanted to be able to call her and talk to her in the hope she'll be able give me some sort of guidance 
But I didn't, I couldn't risk it
If Dad was there, if Oscar was there it would be game over
They would know exactly where I was.. and I couldn't let that happen
Not right now..

"Uh Riley?" A voice called knocking frantically on the door to the bathroom, I quickly turned my phone back off before heading out of the bathroom
The moment I opened the door, I was greeted with a panicked West who stood there holding Emery who was screeching like no tomorrow
You would honestly think that someone was trying to kill her I swear

"I didn't want to bother you, Michelle said you wouldn't be long but as soon as she left the wrong Emery started crying" He said still trying bounce Emery to calm her 
"It's okay West, what happened?" I asked but he shook his head

I took Emery from his arms but the moment I did, it didn't take a genius to figure out what the problem was

"She's pooped West, that's all it is" I chuckled as we headed back to the office 
It didn't take me long to get her changed before I handed her back to West, the last thing I want is Emery to have terrified him from ever being alone with her
"No Riley it's -" He started but the moment she was in his arms he stopped panicking looking down at the baby in his arms

She was wide awake at this point looking up at West, her blue eyes latching in to his as she gripped his finger in her littler palm keeping her eyes on him
They were both in their own little world and it was so sweet to watch 

"You did so good Riley" West whispered breaking eye contact with Emery to look at me but the moment he did that Emery started to fuss grabbing his attention again
"I think someone like you West" I smiled patting his shoulder
"I've never really been a kid person. Hence why I only teach adult classes but-" He started

"There is something about Emmie, she's been here for 2 weeks and I haven't met a person yet who hasn't fallen victim to her touch" I chuckled looking down at my daughter while she kept staring at West
Had she been an adult or something, her stare would be a tad bit creepy I won't lie 

"Aww look" Michelle said coming back into the room with all of the boys, West still engrossed in a staring contest with Emery
"I take it everything was okay when I disappeared" Michelle said coming and standing behind West so she could look at Emmie
"Hell no" West said softly almost like he was trying not to show fear too Emmie 

"He came to the bathroom frantically because she was crying" I explained
"Why was she crying?" James asked standing directly behind me, his hands on the back of my chair
"She pooped" I laughed causing everyone else to join in

"West 0 - Emery 1" Hunter laughed 

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