Chapter 15

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I stretched my arms, resting my head softly onto the pillow and Morgan placed a delicate kiss on my lips, letting his hand run through my hair gently. I smiled, leaning into the kiss and letting my tongue swirl around his mouth as he grabbed a fistful of my hair, pulling it hard. I moaned into his mouth and let my hand trail down the length of his body trying to unbuckle his belt. I grinded into him lightly, feeling his hard dick rub against me and he pulled away.

"What?" I asked.

"I just want to look at you for a minute," he whispered softly, his half-lidded eyes staring gazing into mine. "It's crazy. Everything we've been through in the last year- not many relationships would have survived all these ups and downs-"

"But we did," I interrupted, cupping his cheeks gently with my hands. "And I'm glad we did."

"I love you so much. I hope you know that," he murmured. He put his forehead to mine, looking into my eyes. "I've loved you through every high and every pitfall. And I can't promise I'll always do the right thing- I can't promise I'll always be the person you expect me to be or that I'll always make the right decisions- but I will love you until my heart stops beating. That much I can promise."

We had gone straight to the police station after leaving Dr. Finley's office and the officer on duty had taken our deposition. We told him everything except for what happened with Josh. Morgan had insisted that he didn't mind coming clean and that he was ready to face the music if it meant sending Dr. Finley behind bars, but I was not willing to risk losing my fiancé- and risk my kids losing their father- over this. I desperately wanted to put this whole thing behind us and focus our energy on the wedding without having a hammer holding above our heads, threatening to knock us out at every turn. We were finally free of J's grasp on our lives and that was victory enough in my eyes. The cop who had taken our deposition, officer White, had promised that the matter would be taken very seriously and that he would update us as soon as he had news. Good enough.

"It makes so much sense that it was him," I breathed out. "I can't believe I didn't think about that."

"Hey, don't beat yourself up over it," Morgan said softly, holding my hands into his. "No one could've seen this coming."

"He's the one person who had access to all my information. He never called me by my first name, always Ms. Farrell. I never had to tell him that I didn't like being called Aubrey Jean because he never did. Not in person at least-"

"It's okay, baby," he interrupted, squeezing my hands tightly. "It's over now. He can't hurt us anymore."

"I just feel like such an idiot. He spent months playing me and I never saw through his game. I look like such a gullible fool," I added, spiraling.

"You never thought he would do this. He was supposed to be someone you could trust. You let your guard down because that's what you're supposed to do in therapy. You did nothing wrong. He abused his power to mess with your head. That's fucked up. It's not your fault," he explained.

"I should have known. No one else knew we were gonna have sex that day. I should've known it was weird when he told me to have sex with you-"

"He what?" he interrupted, letting go of my hands at once. Shit. I lifted my gaze from the hole in my sock I had been fixating on and looked at his face, the pain emanating from his eyes registering instantly.

"That's not what I meant, he just-" I sighed, running a hand through my hair anxiously as I attempted to figure out how to best approach this tremendous fuck up. Good job on putting your big ass foot in your even bigger mouth, Aubrey. Fuck.

"He what? Gave you homework? Sex with me was just some sort of assignment for you? Something you don't really wanna do, but have to get over with before the teacher scolds you?"

"No! He didn't say I had to sleep with you, not explicitly anyway. He just-"

"He just what, Aubrey?" He snapped impatiently. I could tell by the sound of his voice he was getting angrier, but I knew his heart and I knew the anger was nothing more than a facade. A way to protect himself from being vulnerable. A way to hide the pain.

I tried to take his hands into mine but he shifted, pushing his upper body off the mattress and sitting down on the bed, legs crossed, facing me. He crossed his arms over his chest and a crease formed itself between his eyebrows as he awaited an answer.

"He just what, Aubrey?" He repeated impatiently. I felt needles poking at the back of my eyes but fought the urge to give into the emotion. It's not fair to him if I cry. It's not fair that I hurt him and I'm the one who cries. You can't argue with someone who's crying because then that makes you the asshole and he's not. He doesn't deserve this. I take a deep breath in and swallow back the tears.

"He said I should try to connect with you," I started, trying to keep my voice steady. "I told him we hadn't had sex since Sailor's birth and-"

He scuffed, interrupting me, but didn't say anything.

"I told him I was scared you would cheat on me if we didn't-"

"What the fuck," he whispered, his face twisting into a near disdainful expression as he looked at me, his eyes filled with hurt. "That's what you think of me? That I would cheat on you while you're going through postpartum after giving birth to my daughter? That's the opinion you have of me? That's what you think you mean to me? That's what you think our family means to me?"

"No- It's not- I'm not saying it was rational, it just-"

"I know I've made mistakes in the past but I never cheated on you. I don't know why the fuck all these girls assume I'm a fucking cheater, I've never-"

"All these girls?" I asked.

"Katie? And now you? It's fucked up. I was nothing but nice to you while you recovered. I was patient, I never wanted to pressure you and I sure as hell didn't go and get it from someone else... So why the fuck would you assume I-"

"I never said you had," I interrupted. "I said I was scared you would. The same way I woke up every night scared Sailor would stop breathing in her sleep. It's not rational, Morgan. I was hormonal and scared and-"

"I would never, for the record, do anything that would ever put our relationship in jeopardy. Our family? The life we built together? I can't believe I even have to explai-"

"You don't," I retorted. "You don't have to explain anything to me. I know this, I believe you. I was lost and I thought he was helping me and he used me. He used my clouded judgment to try to sneak his way into my life and-"

"Stop," he breathed.

"What?" I asked anxiously, tears welling up in my eyes.

"Stop. I don't wanna fight with you. I'm sorry and I forgive you and all the things people say when they make up, but no. We're not fighting about this. We're not fighting anymore. This is a happy moment. No tears, no screaming, none of that," he whispered, running his thumb softly over the tear that had spilled out of my eye and kissing my forehead. "I love you. That's all that matters. No more fighting," he repeated, his breath warm against the skin of my forehead.

"I'm sorry-"

He wrapped his arms around my waist tightly and pulled me into him, strengthening his grip around my frame.

"No more sorries," he whispered. I nodded faintly and nuzzled into his neck, breathing in his peppermint and evergreen shower gel.

"Having sex with you was never an assignment. You have to know that," I whispered, my voice barely audible. I wasn't sure he had even heard me when he squeezed me even tighter, his hands rubbing my back gently.

"I know," he whispered back. "I know, baby."


I felt like I owed you guys some fluff after all these crazy chapters!




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