Chapter 22

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I looked at my reflection, as my bathrobe hung lazily from my frame. My hair was pinned in all sorts of directions and my cheeks were baking under an insane amount of loose powder.

God, I hope the dark circles aren't visible in the pictures.

"Drink up," Chelsea said, bringing me a glass of champagne, "you look like you need it."

I set the glass on the vanity and watched as the bubbles swam up its content, bursting as they reached the surface.

I wonder if he's nervous.

"Well, aren't you a sight for sore eyes," Lesli said, walking in and immediately wrapping her arms around me.

"Hi," I smiled. She placed a soft kiss on the side of my head the way only a mother would and returned the smile. "How is he?" I asked.

"He's okay. Ern got him a little something to soothe the nerves," she winked.

"Oh, Lord, please don't let him get drunk," I chuckled.

"Drink your champagne," Chelsea said, nudging me playfully towards the glass.

"I second that," Lesli said. "Your wedding day should be fun. I remember mine like it was yesterday," she said, looking back fondly on the memories. "I can't believe my baby boy's getting married. And to such a wonderful woman," she wiped the corners of her eyes, careful not to let the tears ruin her mascara. "We truly are so blessed."


I peaked out the window as Chelsea and Mikaela- Morgan's sister- helped lacing the back of my dress. The venue looked beautiful. Our wedding planner had truly outdone herself. The sun beamed over the tall grass in the distance, making the view glow like a tree on Christmas morning.

My heart sped up when I saw Morgan walk to the end of the aisle, exhaling slowly and shaking his hands, the stress obviously eating away at him. Ernest put a hand on his shoulder and gave him a knowing nod. One that said 'you'll be okay, buddy'.

I smiled at the sight.

"How long do we have?" I asked the girl.

"A little over five minutes," Chelsea answered, placing my veil carefully atop my head.

They put the final touches on my dress and the makeup artist retouched my lipstick one last time before the girls helped me walk down the stairs in my dress. My heart was ready to burst right out of my chest by the time I reached the aisle. My legs could barely support my weight when I felt someone grab my arm.

"Ready to go?" He asked, flashing me a smile.

I couldn't help but to gleefully wrap my arms around his neck. As soon as I felt Jared's arms squeeze my shoulders, I knew I'd be okay. And, even in my wildest dreams, I couldn't have wished for a better man to give me away.

"How did you-"

"Morgan asked me," he explained, encouraging me to take my first step down the aisle.

I felt my eyes well up as I looked at my fiancé standing there, smiling at me, his eyes twinkling as he watched my smile grow with every step I took.

He did this. He asked Jared to be there for me- to be in our wedding.

He smiled at me, giving me a quick wink as I made my way to him, my feet walking clumsily to the sound of Pachelbel's Canon in D. But being unsteady on my feet didn't scare me. Not with Jared there, holding on to my arm ready to catch me.

I reached my position and stood in front of Morgan. His eyes- these damn blue eyes- filled with tears- happy ones- that glistened in the sun.

"Hi," he whispered, the sound choked up with emotion.

Sand In My Boots: The SequelWhere stories live. Discover now