Chapter 19 - Gone Wrong

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Xalianas pov -

I am peacefully doing my work. I have already completed half of the stores shelf's I'm just so tired. A lot of them I had trouble reaching but I managed with a stool or a chair I find aside.

It's freaking painful. Im so tired and I can't think of anything worse. I was putting the snacks away trying not to have some. I was starving. I haven't ate since this morning. It's so fricken painful. I don't know how people do extreme diets. I could never.

I have gained some weight here in America since in Afghanistan there's not much protein or good enough food. And the snacks are less sugary there. Over here is a whole knew world for me.

I remember having a struggle to gain weight in Afghanistan, you could practically see my bones, it was bad. And because I was so unhealthy I was sick like every day. the struggle was real.

But once I came here I felt so much better, maybe at first it was very hard to adjust especially the food. I actually have meat on me now. My thighs aren't sticks anymore.

I will always love food.

"Xali..." I whipped my head around at the familiar sad voice. My limbs cooled as I looked at my bestie standing there looking so guilty and pale.

She stepped closer to me and I watch her. She began to talk again. "I'm sorry about yesterday...I should of told you— I should of known..but I swear whatever I told you is the only thing I know about him.." she looked as if she would loose me.

I smile softly and pull her into a hug. "Shut up.." my voice broke from the emotional moment and she immediately locked her arms around me and a joyful cry out. I rubbed her back and slowly let go.

"Did he hurt you?" She said worriedly and looked around. It's so sad seeing her say that because it's as if she expected him to hurt me or she wasn't really surprised that he would. This man really isn't well.

"I'm completely fine— physically." I said quickly adding physically cuz mentally— I ain't alright. I don't think any of us are but on a scale level I think I'm at my limit.

That makes no sense. Who cares.

She eyes relaxed and she softly kissed my cheek and nodded. Suddenly her eyes lit with excitement and i know she's about to tell me something crazy.

"So I'm going on another date with my man, he's asked me out to somewhere secret. I'm so excite" she jumped into my arms super joyful. I smile widely at her good news. "Tonight?" I said and she nodded with a blush. It's already 7:30 so how tonight are we talking about here.

"Yes, at 9 ish" she shrugged and my eyes widen. "Why so late..?" I gave her a suspicious look and she blushed even more. I regret even asking at this point.

"My brother is home that's why, he leaves at 9 for something I don't know tonight." She shrugged and I nodded understanding. He's probably out to hurt someone. Okay I need to stop— no I won't.

After that situation I still can't think straight. Should I report this-? What how.. he works for the government apparently. Do they know he kills? Is this even allowed?

Her phone ringing caught our attention. She squeals and looked at me. "Don't go to sleep tonight!" She yelled and quickly ran to the door with a shy girl smile on her face.

"Huh!" I yell and watched as she left. What does she mean don't sleep. Is she saying I'm in trouble—? I'm so confused. Oh wait I get it.

She wants me to sneak out. At this point she wants me to except death. I'm still doing it but it might be a little impossible since Ayaan sleeps only when he's touching me.

Where is she causing trouble now?

Or we


Once I arrived home I quickly get ready for 'sleep' No I didn't. I wore a nice outfit underneath my sweatshirt. I came in our room to get my phone, I expecting Ayaan to be asleep but to my dismay he's still awake.

Of course he is.

I pretend to check my phone but see messages of Dora saying she's waiting for me outside. I told her to give a couple of minutes. I put my phone down. Ayaan gets up and sits up on the bed. He kept looking at me but I didn't look back.

Ayaan suddenly grabbed my sore hand and pulled me on his lap. I hissed in pain but luckily he looses his grip on my wrist but still held it. "What's wrong pretty wife?"


I bit on my lips trying to excuse the snarky comments with him. He'll just end up getting angry and that won't make any of this better. I'm in a hurry right now.

"You love me right!" His voice came out worry and scared and slowly rising. Panic rushed into my bones and I quickly held his shoulders: fall asleep god damn it. Such a kid.

I don't love you. I don't love anyone.

"Say it!" She said like a whole child making me angry. "Are you child! Shut up." That comment slipped out of my mouth. I swear I never make it better for myself. A part of me did feel hella good saying that though.

His eyes started to fume in frustration and anger. He grabbed my sore wrists harsher and harsher. My breathing picked up since the pain was slowly being unbearable. This is what I get for speaking. At this point, why do I even bother talking.

"WANNA SAY THAT AGAIN." He yelled and that was my cue to get the heck up before I loose a limb or two. I'm so fricken stupid. I love to play with fire, then I can't seem to get out of it.

"Sorry!" I yell and tried to remove his harsh grip but fear crawled over my body as he only squeezed harder. His eyes were locked with frustration and anger. His teeth were showing making it obvious of his tight grip.

I tried to get off his lap but the position of my wrist is making it harder. I could twist my wrist off. I instead put both my legs in action mode and start to kick him as much as I can.

My heart was beating very harshly meaning I was scared and frightened. My mind was giving me very terrible images and my heart was just panicking over it.

The feeling of Anxiety sets off in my body which is saying "fight or flight" response which is a part of the autonomic nervous system. I can feel my wrist go completely white and a horror sound filled the room

"AYAAN!" I scream at the top of my lungs
When I heard a bone cracking sound filling the room.


Broke her wrist :(

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