Chapter 14

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The next morning...

???: Wakey-wakey, Y/N.

You jump out of your bed.

You: Huh?! Who's there?

Lucas: Recognized my voice, Y/N?

You: Lucas?! H-How the fuck did you get in my head? I'm getting help.

You were about to walk, but you couldn't move your legs.

You: What the fuck!

Ten: You're not going anywhere, Y/N.

Yangyang: And you can not tell anyone, or you're dead.

You: Ha, you can't kill me. You're only in my head.

Just then, your head starts to hurt.

You: Ah!

Winwin: You were saying?

You: Stop... it! Please!

Then, your head starts to clear up.

Kun: Now that you learned the consequences, you do something for us.

You: No, I'm one of the good guys.

Kun: Well, we'll have to do this the hard way. Hit the switch, Xiao Jun.

Xiao Jun: You got it, boss.

You: What are you going to do? Put a sp-

Just then, your eyes turn red.

Kun: I guess we have to control your life from now on.

You: Ahhhh.

You fall to the ground, and seconds later, you stand up.

You: What's your command, boss?

Lucas: Destroy Twice Laboratory!

Hendery: Wait, isn't Twice inside tho?

You: No, they mentioned that they went somewhere and they should be back in two minutes.

Yangyang: Good, you have plenty of time to destroy their place.

You: Let's go then!

You make your way to the living room.

You look around and spot a raygun displayed on the wall.

You: Let's shoot this bad boy up.

You grab the raygun and start shooting up the place.

Lucas: This is so lit to watch.

Ten turns to see Lucas eating popcorn.

Ten: Okay, how the fuck did you get popcorn?

Lucas shrugs his shoulders.

Hendery: Uh, guys?

The two look back at the computer.

Hendery: Twice is back.

Lucas: Y/N, get out of there ASAP. We'll send you our location to charge you back.

You: Got it, boss.

After receiving the location, you make your way there, leaving your mess behind.


At the garage...

Jihyo: ...So when are you going to propose to Y/N?

Mina: I don't know. Maybe if I'm- OH MY GOD.

Mina and the girls look around to see the laboratory is a mess.

Nayeon: How the hell happened?

Jeongyeon: You don't think Y/N has to do something like this?

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