Chapter 1

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     As I neard the exit of Olympus, I paused to take in what had just happened. First I made sure that I couldn't see my father anywhere, then I sat my belongings down. I walked up to a very large, round, iron gate.

     I placed my hand on the bars of the gate and looked at the cloud like staircase. No one ever knew what this place looked like because no one had ever dared to leave, because if you left, you could never come back.

3rd person:

     As Harper stared through the gates of Olympus she realized what she was doing. She was leaving, meaning she would be a fallen God. (Harper often referred herself as a god more than a goddess.)Then she turned her head around too look at her once home. It was beautiful, she thought. But she reckoned having a dead beat dad and no mother, kind of dimmed everything.

1st person:

     "I'm finally leaving," I thought out loud. Dazed at what I was doing, I picked up my heavy, overstuffed backpack, and slid it on. I grabbed the strap of the leather guitar case. I was about to leave Olympus. Finally free, I thought. I grabbed the gate and pulled it open, stepping onto the first stair.

    Breath. Keep calm, just breath. I told myself taking another step, and another, and another. Step after step, inhale.....exhale. Halfway down the huge staircase, I looked back up at the gate. A rush of adrenaline hit me. I'm leaving Olympus. I found myself, running down the stairs, craving the feeling of being free at last. It was like I was flying. One step at a time, two steps at a time. I was running as fast as I could.

     I came to a hault when I heard the creaking of the iron gate opening, as if being kicked open. "YOU BETTER NOT COME BACK!! DO YA HEAR ME? DONT EVER COME BACK!" I heard the echo of my father's voice, yelling at me. Probably with a bottle in his hand. Damn drunk, I thought.

     For once, he couldn't do anything about it. I waited until I heard the gate slam close to keep going just now realizing how close I am to the bottom. 7 steps, then 6, 5,4,3... One last look wouldn't hurt, right? I shook away the thought, taking the last two dreaded steps. Another gate, but this one seems..odd.  I push open the door and step out into a long forgotten alley.

     Startling me I saw a man, sleeping in a cardboard box, shivering from the cold air. He didn't have anything but a t-shirt, sweatpants, a hat and fingerless gloves. I looked around the corner to see if I could spot a convenient store. I found a gas station, and looked back at the filthy, sleeping man. Making sure I didn't wake him I walked across the dead street, into the store.

     Looking through the isles, I spotted a big blanket and a tent. It was a camping set. I gathered what I could in a small shopping cart and went to the coolers. I grabbed a coke and some firewhiskey.

     Since I was practically underage in this place, I stuffed the firewhiskey into the jacket I was wearing. Luckily no one saw me so I headed up to the register.

     I paid £195.37 for the things I had in the cart. I grabbed the bags and exited the store, walking back over to the homeless man. I placed the coke down first, along with the tent, blanket, lantern, and some snacks. I took out my busted up old leather wallet and put down £40 under the coke can, and walked away.

     Knowing how happy that man will be when he wakes up, made me happy. Besides the drunk of a father and dead mother, I was always sort of nice to some people. I've always enjoyed helping people in need, because I know what it's like to have nobody.

     Walking around the streets of London was actually more peaceful than I thought. It was quiet, the only thing you could hear were the occasional cricket or car honking. 11:48 p.m. its getting kind of late... I thought. My mind wandered back to that man in the alley. Wandering back to go find him and make sure no one has taken his things.

     When I arrived back at the alley the man was awake now, looks like he just woke. I stood by, watching from the edge of the building. I saw the man start crying, he was happy, very very happy. It made me smile, as he removed the coke can he saw the money I had put down.

      "Hallelujah," was all I could hear him say. He sounded like he had just won a lotto.

     Just as I was about to leave, I had the idea of talking to him. "Hello," I said walking into the alley. "W-whos there," he sounded frightened. "It's okay, I'm not gonna hurt you. I'm the one that bought those things for you.," I told him smiling. "I thought you might like it, it's really cold out here," I said to him, standing beside a bin that was against the brick building.

     "Thank you so much, please tell me your name," the man said. "I'm nobody important, trust me. I know what it's like to have nothing and nobody, so I figured I might help," I turned around to leave but what the man next said made me freeze.

I didn't plan for it to be this much shorter but it is umm anyways, I hope you enjoyed reading this and again I apologize for the set back but it here :))

word count: 974

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