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     I'm sat upon my father, terrified, anxiety taking over the blood in my veins. He was sat at the other end of our excruciatingly long dinner table, staring into my soul. Startling me he spoke "I want you gone," he spoke loudly, as if I could not hear him. "You cause to much trouble, you're a disgrace to this family and I want you gone!" he yelled. My stomach twisted and turned in knots as I abruptly stood from my seat.

     I walked over to him, making sure to hit the ground with my feet a little harder than usual. Once I made it over to his seat, he got up to speak, but before he could say anything I cut him off, "I will GLADLY leave, but before I do, I can finally say what I've waited LITERALLY a 100 years to say." I screamed.

     "Say it," he said to me, getting as close to my face as possible. I continued to yell, "Ever since the fight, you have NEVER been my father, you are nothing but a sick, selfish, bloody bastard. YOU killed MY mother. I HAD TO STAND THERE AND WATCH YOU KILL HER. ALL SHE WANTED TO DO WAS TAKE TO HER FUCKING GARDEN!" my voice began to break as tears threatened to spill from my eyes. "You are responsible for taking her away from me, YOU ARE THE REASON SHES DEAD!" he cut me off with a hard slap across my face, stinging badly. I started laughing at him, I didn't know what else to do but bully him to a corner, making him cower under my dark shadow.

     "What are we now, mortals? You think slapping me will do any good father," I spat at him. He looked at me with utter disgust in his eyes. Staring at me as if I was some psychopath. "Big bad Hades, slapping his own fucking daughter," I cursed.

     Suddenly my eyes felt like someone was stabbing me with needles over and over again. I blinked rapidly, trying to get the feeling to go away. Failing, I opened my eyes and looked into the mirror that I didn't realize was beside me. My eyes..they were...glowing blue. Like sapphire gems shimmering in the sunlight. It was only until I looked back at my father, who looked, terrified. It was only then I realized what was happening. Now, I was really in control.

    I stepped forward to him, not breaking the eye contact. "Kneel to me," I commanded. "No, please. Don't do this." He pleaded. "KNEEL TO ME," I screamed. He dropped to his knees, dropping his head as he did so. "Now look at me," he didn't move an inch.

      I grabbed him by his neck and forced him to look at me. "You, are nothing. You are a coward. You're a poor excuse of a God, pathetic." I said to him, letting my words ingrave themselves into his mind. I let go of him as I felt my eyes go back to their normal green color. I turned around and stormed up the stairs..

     Once I reached my bedroom, I ran to my oversize closet and grabbed a backpack. I packed it with two sweaters, as it was very cold outside, some black jeans, underwear, bras, a picture of my mother, my weed box that I have had hidden under a floor board in my closet, along with a carton of cigarettes and two lighters.

     I quickly grabbed about £300 that I had stashed away in my school work. Then I went into my also very over sized bathroom and grabbed my perfume, toothbrush, toothpaste, deodorant, and a hairbrush, stuffing them into the smaller pockets of my bag.

     I froze when I remembered about the guitar my mother had given me before she was murdered. She used to sing and play to me when it was time for me to go to bed, or if I was sad, she would play me a song to cheer me up.

     I knew I wasn't about to risk having my father break it when I left so I decided it was best to take it with me. So I grabbed its leather case and put it safely inside.

     I put on my bag and grabbed the handle of the guitar case. As I was about to reach for my door handle I heard a knock on my door. I paused for a second, making sure to stop breathing to make it seem like I wasn't in there.

     My father was at the door after I had just controlled him, what was he going to do? I was worried, so I waited until I heard him walk away and go back down the very large staircase.

     I knew what he was doing. He was trying to apologize to me, tell me that he'd never hit me again and that he was so sorry for everything and he would get better.

     Part of me would want to belive it because saying what I had spat at him would maybe help him change. The other part of me knew it was all a lie. That if I had opened that door he would have beaten me to the ground where he had so many times before.

     Snapping out of my thought I hurried over to my window and sure enough, I saw my father outside looking to see if I had already left. When he came back inside and I head the door slam shut, I quickly opened my window and as quietly as one could I slid my guitar out onto the roof along with my back pack.

     I then slid out myself and grabbed my belongings. Once I had everything I walked to the edge of the roof careful at where i was going. I jumped of the roof, landing on the tips of my feet so I wouldn't make much noise.

     As soon as I landed I made a run for it. I ran as far as I could, as fast as I could, crying, happy that I was finally out of there.
so I hope that you enjoyed reading this introduction as much as I enjoyed writing it!!!
I am really proud of myself for writing this. I had a completely different trauma that I wanted to base Harper's character off of but I liked this one better so I literally erased everything I had and made a new version. ANYWAY HOPE YOU ENJOYED

word count: 1093

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