Chapter 2

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      "You remind me of my daughter," his frail voice echoed through the alley. I turned back to look at him, "R-really?" I asked. "Very much so. She was very sweet to everyone, she was all I cared about," he sounded like he was about to cry. I walked back over to him, grabbing the tent to set it up for him. "Was? What happened?"

     "She was killed," I froze, I could feel my face heating up. It often did that when I was sad. "January 3rd 1981, she went missing. We searched for months but still, nothing came up. It wasn't until November 29, that we finally found her. She was long gone. It looked like someone had mangled her, she had very large claw marks all over her body," the man began tearing up, but, so did I. "My mother was murdered," I told him, I was now finished setting up his tent.

     He looked at me with a sympathetic expression on his face. I opened up his tent and motion him inside. "What was her name?" I asked him. He looked at me confused. "Your daughter, what was her name," I asked again. "Emily... her name was Emily," he said pulling out a small photograph from his pocket, handing it to me. I took the picture from his hand and looked at it. She was beautiful, his daughter had long angelic blonde hair, a perfect button nose, and the brightest smile you could ever see. Her eyes were like bioluminescence.

     "Shes..angelic," I handed the photo back. I stood up "I must be going now, I hope you feel better. I might come back and visit you more and you could tell me more about your daughter," I told him. "Thank you so much miss, I would love to talk again," I heard the echo of his voice when I neard the end of the alley.

     Once I was around the corner I paused. Taking out a pack of cigarettes from my bag as well as a lighter. I was shaking so much I could barely get it lit. Getting frustrated I stopped fumbling with it and leaned against the wall, and sunk to the ground. Tears pouring down my face, making no sound. I looked up at the sky, taking a deep breath I wiped my face. Im not letting you get to me yet Hades, I thought.

     I stood back up and put the cigarette to my lips. Finally lighting it I put my bag back on and grabbed my guitar. Wandering again how peaceful it is here at night.

     I had been wandering for hours, knowing I wouldn't get any sleep tonight because I feel like I'm being watched. Or better words, stalked. Shaking off the feeling thinking it's just paranoia.

     When I stumbled on a small park, I sat on a bench with my belongings. I remembered that I stole that firewhiskey earlier so I took it out of my jacket. It was a smaller bottle, not round either. In Olympus all alcohol bottles were round and regular drinking cups were square. How am i just now realizinghow fucking stupid that is. I laughed at my thought.

     After sitting and observing the area I decided that it wasn't a bad living area. I mean there were housing apartments for at least a quarter mile. Taking another sip out of the bottle, I put the lid back on and stuffed it under my clothes in my bag. I took out my cigarettes once again, opening a pack and taking one out. Putting it to my lips and lighting it. Harsh inhale much. I blew out the smoke, the hairs on my arms standing up.

     Theres someone behind you. A voice echoed in my head.

     Abruptly, I start looking everywhere. Trying to see who was watching me when I heard the bushes next to me start shaking. Panic ran through me, oh my God I'm gonna die my fist night here, really? God that's so pathetic. I thought, my heart started racing when the bushes stopped moving and a black figure was staring at me.

     A wolf? Animagus. The voice ran through my head again, but this time more painful. What the hell. I thought. "An animagus," I said out loud seeing if I could get it's attention. It had long black shaggy hair and piercing yellow eyes.

     It started inching closer. I fell to the ground in fear, crawling backwards. When I was about to get up, the wolf like creature started growling and running towards me. I braced myself as it got closer, ready for it to attack me. Instead the creature jumped over me and ran into the shadows.

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