Worlds Away

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In the heart of a tough neighborhood on the outskirts of the city, 18-year-old Zeion Mathers, with his thick dreadlocks swaying with each step, walked through the cracked sidewalks and crumbling buildings. His world was a canvas, and every spray can in his backpack held the potential to bring color and life to the otherwise desolate streets.

Zeion's family was the heartbeat of his existence. His father had fallen seriously ill, and his mother worked herself to exhaustion to provide for their large family of eight kids—three sisters and five brothers. With the weight of their financial struggles resting heavily on his shoulders, Zeion had become the family's silent protector. The art he created on the walls of abandoned buildings was more than just a hobby; it was his lifeline, a way to escape the harsh reality of their circumstances.

On a particularly sweltering Saturday afternoon, the sun bore down mercilessly as Zeion worked on a mural near an old playground. The rhythmic hiss of the spray can, the smell of fresh paint, and the melodic beats of his favorite rap music filled the air. He put his airpods in and turned on 21 Savage. He loved rap music, it gave him inspiration. 

As the sun dipped below the horizon, Zeion decided to take a break. His fingers, stained with paint, wiped sweat from his brow. He stared at his latest creation, a vibrant representation of resilience and unity, and couldn't help but smile.


Later that evening, his best friend, Ray, came by with an invitation. "Zeion, man, there's a party tonight. You've been working too hard. You should come out with me."

Zeion hesitated. Parties were a world away from his usual pursuits, but perhaps he needed a taste of normalcy. "Alright, I'll go," he agreed, offering a tired yet hopeful grin.

The night brought a transformation to Zeion. He swapped his paint-stained clothes for something more presentable, though his dreadlocks remained his pride and joy. At the party, the pulsating music and raucous laughter filled his ears, making him feel like a fish out of water.

He mingled with the crowd, feeling somewhat out of place among the well-dressed partygoers. As the night unfurled, he couldn't help but feel that something was missing. The party was a blur of lights and noise, and he wondered if he would ever find someone who could truly understand him, someone who could appreciate his art and share his dreams.

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