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It was 5 p.m. and Y/N had just got off of work, she said bye to her coworkers and she decided to walk to the park and enjoy nature. Y/N sat on the bench and watched people play frisbee, they threw the frisbee but the person couldn't catch it and it ended up landing by Y/N's feet. She picked it up to give it back to them but they encouraged her to join them and since Y/N had nothing better to do she did. She took her jacket off and jogged towards them, she had a great time and they were really cool people but she really hit it off with this guy named Taehyung.

He had a great vibe and he was easy to get along with, plus he had a great sense of humor too. He threw the frisbee so Y/N could catch it but the wind pushed it to where Y/N wasn't able to get it. The frisbee hit a person in the head and Y/N ran over to ask if they were okay. Once she got closer the person turned around and Y/N noticed it was Sana. Y/N grew tense after seeing her because her mind went back to the interaction she had with her the other day at Mina's house.

"Hey, I'm sorry about that." Y/N apologized, "It's okay, it didn't hurt that bad." Sana handed the frisbee to Y/N and rubbed the back of her head. Y/N wanted to do something for Sana as a way of saying sorry, she was thinking of taking her somewhere to get something to eat but she thought maybe Sana would find that weird. But the group of people Y/N was playing frisbee with were cheering her on especially Taehyung so Y/N decided to go for it.

"Have you eaten yet? If you haven't would you like to go to this restaurant with me?" Sana stared at her with an unreadable expression on her face, Y/N was hoping Sana would say yes but to her dismay she declined. "Sorry, but I have something to do right now, maybe later?" Y/N nodded her head, "yeah, that's fine." Y/N turned around with a dejected look on her face, she was embarrassed because she was looking forward to taking Sana out. Y/N started walking back to her group before Sana called out for her, Y/N turned around and looked at her with one of her eyebrows raised. "My plans just got cancelled, can we still go to that restaurant together?"

Y/N was really excited but in order to look cool in front of Sana she gave her a small smile and nodded but once she turned around to get her stuff and Sana couldn't see her she let out a big smile and gave the group a thumbs up to which they cheered to. She threw the frisbee back to the group and she walked over to Sana. "Momo told me about this restaurant and she said the food is great." They walked side by side and talked a bit. Ever since Y/N met Sana that day she couldn't stop thinking about her and she was desperate to get to know Sana so Y/N took this chance to get to know her.

Y/N was feeling really ecstatic right now, she was taking Sana out to a restaurant, she was getting to know her, and she even got Sana to laugh at one of her jokes and Sana's laugh was the cutest thing she seen today. The wrinkles on her nose and her wide smile, it gave Y/N butterflies and she kind of liked the way it felt. Y/N was starting to accept that she liked Sana, how could she not like Sana? She was beautiful and her personality was great, Sana was the whole package.

They made it to the restaurant and got Korean bqq, and just like Momo said the food was great. Y/N was having a great time with Sana and she could feel they were getting closer. Sana was telling her a funny story of when she was younger but Y/N could barely listen because she was too busy staring at Sana. "Uh Y/N, are you listening?" Y/N nodded and Sana continued the story but a minute later she stopped and abruptly got up. "Shoot I gotta go. I had a great time with you though."

Sana started speed walking away, Y/N put money on the table and chased after Sana. Once she caught up to Sana she grabbed her by the wrist, "it's getting late and I don't want anything happening to you, let me go with you just to make sure you're safe." Sana thought for a minute and ended up agreeing and let Y/N come with her. They got on the bus and sat in silence waiting to get to Sana's destination.

They got to her destination and got off the bus, Sana said they had to walk a bit and Y/N shrugged it off saying it's cool. They then stopped at this beautiful house, Sana lifted up her hand to ring the doorbell but before she did she looked at Y/N and said. "Promise me you won't judge me after this." Y/N looked at her with a confused look on her face, "judge you for what?" Sana shook her head. "Just promise me, okay."

Y/N was still confused but she still nodded her head, "I promise." With that Sana rang the doorbell and after a couple of seconds the door opened revealing a middle aged woman. And just by looking at her she could tell that this woman was Sana's mother. They woman gave Sana a hug and a kiss on the head telling her that she missed her and asking her if she's eaten yet. They talked for a bit before the woman noticed Y/N, "Hi." Y/N said as she bowed slightly to the woman.

The woman smiled at her and let Y/N and Sana come in. "She's upstairs sleeping." Sana nodded and went upstairs leaving me with her mom. Sana's mom grabbed Y/N by her hand and rubbed it in a comforting way. "Has anyone told you that you're pretty?" Y/N smiled at her, "all the time." Sana's mother laughed and brought her to the living room. "Sit down, I have something to show you." Y/N did as she was told and Sana's mother came back with a picture book. She showed Y/N all types of pictures of Sana, when she was a baby, a child, a teenager, and now.

"And this is when Sana gave birth to Sunhee." The picture contained Sana laying down with a hospital gown on and cuddling a baby, Sana had a smile on her face while the baby looked to be crying. Y/N raised her eyebrows in surprise, is that why she told Y/N to not judge her? Of course, Y/N's not going to judge her, she was never one to judge people but she was shocked to find out Sana has a child, especially how young she is. Sana's mother noticed the look on Y/N's face and realized she just told her daughter's secret. "You didn't know?" Y/N shook her head, "no, I just met her a couple days ago."

"She may be young but she's a great mother and I'm proud of her for being so strong." Y/N smiled at her. Sana's mother continued showing Y/N pictures of Sana but when Sana came down and noticed she ran to her mom and took the book off her lap. "Mom! You're embarrassing me!"

"I didn't embarrass you that much, right Y/N?" Y/N felt like teasing Sana a bit so she told her that she saw the picture of her in the bath tub when she was a baby which made Sana whine even more and Sana's mother laughed. "Mommy I'm ready." A little girl said as she came down the stairs. Once she was down the stairs it got quiet, uncomfortably quiet. Sana and her mother looked at Y/N like they were expecting her judge but that was the opposite of what Y/N was doing. She was gushing over how cute the little girl was, she wasn't exactly a fan of kids but she did find them absolutely adorable.

Y/N looked at them and smiled, "don't worry I'm not judging, I made a promise." Sana back smiled at her. "Hi, my name is Sunhee and I'm 3 years old." The little girl held up 3 fingers. "Hi Sunhee, my name is Y/N and I'm 23 years old." "You're old." This made Y/N frown her face up and Sana and her mother laughed. "Yah, I'm not old. I'm young." The little girl shook her head and kept saying that Y/N was old, Y/N just sighed and smiled at the girl, she's lucky she's cute.

"Wanna play barbies with me?" Y/N nodded and sat on the floor so she could play barbies with Sunhee. Sana watched them and smiled fondly. Her mother pulled her to the side and told her that Y/N would make a great girlfriend, Sana blushed at her mother's words. Her mother then got serious and asked her a question that Sana had been wondering since she met Y/N again.

"When are you going to tell her?" "Tell her what?"

"That Sunhee is her child."

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