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Y/N was getting dressed to go over Sana's house since she asked her to come over and have dinner with her and Sunhee. Ever since Y/N had met Sunhee 3 weeks ago, her and Sana have gotten closer, and Y/N can't lie and say she doesn't like the relationship they have right now. Y/N isn't that stupid, she can tell that Sana has some sort of feelings towards her. Sana always stares at Y/N in an adoring way, she always has the biggest smiles on when she sees Y/N, and she also has been more touchy like long hugs, holding Y/N's hand, running her fingers through Y/N's hair, and kissing Y/N on the cheek. Those kisses make Y/N feel like the luckiest woman on Earth.

Y/N decided to put on a white shirt and blue jean pants with rips on them. She fixed her hair so she could look good for Sana and after she was done getting ready, she texted Sana that she was on her way and got in her car to drive to Sana's house.

Once she got to Sana's house she put her car in park and when she got to Sana's door before she could ring the doorbell Sana opened the door and brought Y/N in a long hug, she wrapped her arms around Y/N's neck and Y/N wrapped her arms around Sana's waist. "I missed you." Sana said to Y/N. Y/N rubbed Sana's back, "I missed you too." Sana grabbed Y/N's hand and let her in the house. "Y/N!" Sunhee ran up to her and hugged her leg, Y/N crouched down and hugged Sunhee back. "I missed you too Sunhee." Y/N booped her nose and stood back up.

"Come on let's go eat." Y/N picked Sunhee up and walked in the kitchen. They ate dinner and Sana took Sunhee upstairs to get ready for bed. While they did that Y/N went to the living room and turned on a k-drama for them to watch, Y/N scrolled through social media while waiting for Sana. By the time Sana came downstairs Y/N was tired and could barely keep her eyes open. "Sorry I took so long, Sunhee was being stubborn."

Y/N nodded and got up from the couch. "Thank you for dinner, it's time for me to go." Y/N went to give Sana a hug goodbye but Sana stepped back avoiding the hug. "Wait, don't leave. Can you spend a night?" Y/N thought for a minute, this was going to be Y/N's first time spending a night at Sana's house and she was excited, plus this means she gets more time to spend with Sana. Suddenly she wasn't tired anymore, "yeah I can, I have a day off tomorrow." Sana jumped in happiness and gave Y/N a hug.

They both sat on the couch and watched the k-drama Y/N put on. As they were watching Y/N couldn't help but get distracted by how Sana was inching closer to Y/N. Her being the bold person she was, she pulled Sana closer to her and wrapped her arm around Sana's shoulder. Sana looked up and smiled before she laid her head on Y/N's chest. An hour later Y/N could hear slight snores coming from Sana so she woke Sana up and told her to go to bed. Sana got up and went upstairs to get ready for bed and Y/N turned the tv off and grabbed the blanket that was already on the couch to cover herself. She laid her arm over her eyes and was getting ready to go to sleep. But she heard footsteps and saw that Sana was looking at her. "What are you doing?" Y/N chuckled at her question "I'm getting ready to sleep Sana." Sana rolled her eyes at Y/N.

"Of course I see that, what I mean is what are you doing sleeping on the couch." Y/N sat up, "where else am I gonna sleep then?" "My room." Sana said before Y/N could even finish her question. Sana grabbed Y/N's hand and pulled her up and led her towards her room. Sana laid down on her bed and she saw Y/N standing there so she ushered her to lay down next to her. "I don't have anything to sleep in." Sana turned and looked at her. "Just take your clothes off." When she seen Y/N's shocked expression she realized what she said and was quick to correct herself. "Oh no that sounded wrong did it? But really, I don't have any clothes that'll fit you so you might just have to take your clothes off." She said blushing. Y/N was very hesitant on taking her clothes off because Sana didn't know that she had a male part instead of a female part.

"Oh, don't worry I already know." Y/N was mortified, how did Sana know? Did someone tell her? "Know what exactly?" Sana giggled, "about your thing." She pointed. At that moment Y/N wanted to go home and hide under her covers forever, how did Sana find out? Y/N had so many questions to ask but she chose to only ask one. "How do you know?" Sana replied with a shrug and a goofy smile on her face. Y/N chose to shrug it off, even though she still had many questions on how she knew. She took her pants off leaving her in her shirt and underwear and she got under the covers. Y/N was kind of stiff because she didn't want anything happening so she tried to keep some distance between her and Sana but Sana didn't care and she scooted closer to Y/N and laid her head on Y/N's chest.

"Sana can you turn the lights off." She clapped her hands twice and the lights turned off. "Goodnight Y/N." She kissed Y/N's cheek and closed her eyes. "Goodnight Sana." Y/N closed her eyes and tried to sleep but she couldn't she had a lot running through her mind, like Sana knowing about her thing. Speaking of her thing, she could feel herself getting hard because of how close her and Sana were. Sana was basically laying on top of Y/N and she tried to keep herself under control by thinking of random things but she was failing miserably as she could only think about how Sana was on top of her and-

"Y/N. You okay?" Y/N was breathing heavily but she was trying her best to keep her breathing steady, "yeah why do you ask?" Sana looked at Y/N and smirked and Y/N swore that was the sexiest thing she's ever witnessed but on the other hand she just made it harder to keep her thing down. "Because you're breathing hard, and because your thing is poking me." Y/N mentally groaned. She pushed Sana off of her and got up to go to the bathroom but before she could Sana grabbed Y/N's wrist. "Need help?" Y/N blushed hard at that statement. "Sana!" Sana laughed and said she was just joking.

Y/N entered the bathroom and put cold water on her face. Normally Y/N would relieve herself to make it go back down but since she's not at her house she chose to stand in the bathroom and get her heartbeat steady. Once she felt like she was good she walked back into the room and got under the covers but this time her back was facing Sana so nothing else could happen. Sana didn't say anything and just wrapped her arm around Y/N's torso and they both ended up falling asleep.

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