Chapter 5- The Cupcake Debacle

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What you need to know about Winter Kim is that she's a fighter, and she never does half-measures, she always goes all the way. In the past, it's proven to be both a blessing and a curse, because sometimes, she doesn't know when to quit.

One thing she knows for sure is that Karina Yu has to be flinged off of her little throne, if it's the last thing Winter does.

And she admits it. She admits that Karina's reaction to seeing Winter's posters plastered everywhere announcing that she's running against her, isn't the reaction Winter had expected. If anything, she'd hoped it'd piss her off, she'd hoped that she'd come running towards her, frothing at the mouth, she'd damn well looked forward to it.

But no, she'd been robbed of that pleasure, and after the disaster that had been AP Lit's class, Karina is sitting at her table with her friends, looking like she has no worries in the world.

"Are you trying to stare a hole through her?" Ning asks, and Winter snaps her gaze towards her friend.

"I'm not staring," she mutters and takes a bite of her chicken sandwich.

"Yes, you are, and everyone's gonna notice too," Ning points out.

Winter glances around, and true enough, there are a lot of eyes on her. It doesn't bother her anymore; it's amazing what you can get used to. And today, the whole school has been positively buzzing with this new 'scandal', people whispering and gossiping up a storm, people watching Winter and Karina closely, hoping for some kind of fight.

"I'm surprised she didn't stab you in the throat," Ning is just as surprised by Karina's reaction; she's apparently known to be hot-tempered if anyone dares to oppose her.

Winter grimaces, "It's because she doesn't think I'm a threat."

Ning shrugs as she meticulously picks apart her sandwich, removing the lettuce and the tomatoes. 

"Well," she says carefully, "you kind of aren't." She lifts a hand in defense when Winter gives her a betrayed stare, "What? Come on, Winter, she's the Queen Bee and you're the new girl. I'm the only one who doesn't run the opposite way when I see you!"

Winter's nose flares, "I can't be the only one who wants things to change around here."

"You aren't," Ning confirms, "Obviously not. Everyone but the popular kids wants things to change, but no one will do or say anything in fear that they'll get ostracized like us."

Winter was aware that posters weren't enough to fire people up. No, she had to campaign and pull in those who felt unfairly treated by this rigid hierarchy. She takes a look around at the cafeteria, taking in the faces of those deemed 'unpopular'; the kids that were locked down by society's standards of what it means to be 'pretty' and 'well-dressed' and 'super wealthy'. Kids that felt isolated and alone. Kids that felt like they didn't have a voice.

Winter will be their voice. She just has to prove to them that she has what it takes.The opportunity to do just that lands in her lap towards the end of the day. She's standing by her locker, switching books, when:

"Winter Kim," a smooth voice says.

There is a boy standing before Winter, his uniform so wrinkled it looks like it has been fished out of the bottom of a duffel bag, but somehow, he rocks it. A closer look behind the big thick-framed, black hipster glasses he's wearing and Winter is surprised by how handsome he is.

"Can I help you?" she asks as she eyes him suspiciously. He looks like he could be one of the popular kids and she's had a few unpleasant encounters with them already.

"Sungchan Jung." Sungchan offers her his hand and Winter stares at it for half a beat, stunned that there exist people their age that do that outside of formal settings.

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