Chapter 20- Love is Patient (M)

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"What do you mean 'another shot'?!" Yeji practically shouts right into her ear.

Karina grimaces and moves a few inches away from her in the king-size bed. She's been sleeping over since the party on Friday and it's now Sunday morning.

"And all this happened at the party and you're only telling me now?!" Yeji adds, volume still in way too good health.

"I'm sorry!" Karina says, turning Yeji's face away from hers to redirect the screams somewhere else. "I just didn't know what to think of it so I didn't want to say anything."

"Stop pushing me, let me talk!" Karina laughs at that and arches a brow, doubtful Yeji will stick to just talking. "So are you guys dating now? What is this 'shot' supposed to be?"

"I don't know, Yeji." Karina sighs. "We like, made out for a bit after that conversation, and it was good, you know? But then she got up to go to the bathroom and while she was gone we had to leave so I just sent her a text to say bye and she didn't reply." She looks at the ceiling, trying to find strength within her not to feel sad. "And she hasn't texted or called or done anything at all since that night. I have no idea what she's thinking."

"Is it possible she didn't get the text?"

Karina grabs her phone from the bedside table and shows Yeji the 'read' sign on her last text to Winter.

"Damn, and it was a cute text too!" Yeji scoffs, offended as if it had happened to her personally. "I'm gonna kill puppy in practice tomorrow."

"No, enough of that." Yeji glares at her, but Karina ignores it. "Maybe she was drunk when she saw the text and doesn't remember seeing it, so she thinks I'm the one who's at fault," she offers, half-heartedly. "Or maybe she regrets that conversation. I really don't know."

"I mean, no offense, but going from mortal enemies, to mortal enemies who have sex, to mortal enemies who don't talk to each other, to friends on very shaky ground to girlfriends is kind of a big jump of faith," Yeji says, stroking Karina's shoulder in a comforting gesture. "Maybe you just need tomorrow at school to clarify the pace and you guys will be okay again."

"I'm not even sure she meant dating?" Karina twists around to hide her face in the pillow. "It's all so unclear and now she's not even talking to me so remind me not to take not-sober people at face value."

"You said she mentioned the Winter Ball?"

"Yes, but not in a 'let's go together' way. We just talked about it as... a topic, I guess."

"You could ask her to the ball, no?"

"I don't want to. The time isn't right." Karina sits up in the bed, moving so her feet hit the floor and her back is to Yeji. "We'll see how it goes tomorrow. Now call Aeri and tell her we'll be late for the study group session at her house."

"I don't get why there's a week left 'til Xmas break and you wanna be having study group sessions, but sure, Ms. Overachiever."

Karina just shows her the middle finger before she disappears into the bathroom.


She turns to see Winter walking towards her, freshly showered after soccer practice. "Hey." She feels herself blushing, and fixes her hair behind her ears to disguise it somehow.

"Can we talk?" Winter shifts her weight from one foot to another and Karina realizes she's nervous too. "About the party."

"You mean how you were super sweet to me and talked about us deserving a shot and then ignored me all weekend?" Karina snarks, unable to help herself. "Yes, sure."

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