A strange turn of events

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Alejandro's POV

"I can't wait for tomorrow," Hilda squealed. "We have to look good--not that we don't,"

I simply nodded at her.

"Why don't I come to your house and stay over? I have the time," Hilda asked.

She ran her hand through my perfectly gelled hair with one hand and slipped her cold hand under my warm chest.

"Okay," I said.

I wanted to go to her house because I know Heather would be there and I need to talk to her but something told me to leave her alone for a while.

I remember peering at her from the bushes before she left. Her perfect smile, her flawless face, her long silky hair.

But her eyes--her eyes were emotionless.

I could have sworn something flashed through them. It was a quick flash but it wasn't hard to miss. Heather's eyes narrowed for a moment, her eyes filled with an emotion--one that I couldn't identify and it quickly disappeared as fast as it came.

That was about half an hour ago.

Where am I, you ask?

I am on a boat, where my "girlfriend" Hilda is sitting on my laps at the moment, blabbering and squealing about God knows what.

Probably about the party Owen is throwing.

And from the looks from Hilda's face, there is no way I am going to miss it, no matter how much I would rather stay at home.

Hilda is not bad for a girlfriend- I mean, she is gorgeous. Her long curly hair fell past her shoulders and dangled near her waist. Purple was her main color- every outfit she would wear had purple.

Whether accessories or clothing or shoes, there was purple somewhere.

She had pale skin which reminded me a lot about Heather. Hilda was way more curvier than Heather, though.

Despite all this, she has her flaws. First off, she wouldn't keep her hands to herself. Everywhere we go, she would find a way to make physical contact with me. Whether in the dining area, in the bonfire- everywhere!

Second, she is such a pain. She isn't a diva like everyone would assume, no, but she talks nonstop! She resembles a typewriter--she says about 60 words in a sentence and the worst thing is, she does not have an off button somewhere, unfortunately.

Third, she is a horrible kisser. I have kissed a lot of girls and let me say this: She may have a flawless face, high cheekbones and the mysterious eyes but wait until you get to the lips.

A wise person said: "Looks may be deceiving" and I for one strongly believe in that.

She may have rosy lips which resemble strawberries freshly picked but she is a very sloppy kisser.

The first time we kissed, she opened her mouth so wide, I was scared to death that she would swallow me alive. And her lipstick, lip gloss- whatever- gets all over my face and it's the sticky kind.


"Alejandro? Are you listening to me?" A voice snapped back to reality.

"Er- yeah. I was," I answered.

"Good. As I was saying, we should wear matching outfits-" I zoned out completely as she droned on and on about the party tomorrow, which I was crossing my fingers that it would be canceled.

A few hours later, Hilda and I were sprawled on the counter in my house, you guessed it, making out.

I really hate kissing her because she kisses like she has no experience which is ironic since she is very beautiful and famous.

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