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It was a silent night, the stars are shining through the darkness, painting the night with it's radiant glow.

Nestled beneath is a little girl, 10 years of age, Her eyes held innocence but also a secret, a power beyond mortal comprehension, a gift, a power that could shape the world or shatter them.

Francis, Her name.

As Francis sat outside her home– where her mother is being mended at due to an event that traumatized the little girl, A man approached her, a pillar of strength and love, his heart bound tightly to the little girl staring at the twinkling stars.

He sat beside her.
Francis quickly turned to her father and wrapped her arms around him as she sobbed.

"I didn't mean to." Her voice is shaky, full of regret and guilt.

"I know you didn't" Her father answered calmly, Rubbing Francis's back to calm the little girl.

"Are you mad at me?"

"I'm not. It's something you cannot control, how can I blame you for it?"

"But I did it."

"Yes, but it  doesn't mean you wanted to. You're different, you know that right?"

"You possess something. Something that is very dangerous if used badly. But you are a good person, France."

"But I'm scared, what if I lose control again? And you won't be there to stop me?"

"You'll figure out a way to stop yourself"


"Trust me."

"I don't want this power. I'm a bad person."

The older man stare at his daughter eyes filled with a mixture of concern and unwavering love.
"Francis Azriel Chaidee, your power is a gift, a very powerful one that is beyond anyone's imagination, A power that could change the world. But remember, power does not define us, it's how we choose to use it."

"Francis, Use your power with your heart, And you'll do great things for yourself and for other people."

And as the days passed, Her father became Francis's beacon of understanding, guiding her through the complexities of her ability. He encouraged her to explore the depths of the power she possess, to find balance between strength and restraint.


"Hmm" The once was a little 10 year old girl sobbing in her fathers embrace is a grown up now living in an academy dormitory far away from where her parents live— answered her friend who has been calling her for quite a while now.

"Are you okay? You seem a bit lost."

"I'm fine Ria, Just thinking about something." She responded innocently when a teasing grin appeared on her best friend's face making her raise an eyebrow in question.

"Something, hmm"

"What, ria?"

"Something or someone?" She teased, snickering at her friend.

"What the hell are you talking about?"

"Oh nothing I'm just wondering if this 'something' you're thinking about is a freshie with a really cute face, brunette hair, with dimples, a very pointed nose, an elemental-" She could go on but France cut her off.

"Shut up, Aria. I'm not thinking about Bella." Francis sharply stated a little too defensive according Ria's perception.

"I didn't even say her name."

"Oh You were pertaining to her, I know how your brain works Ria, shut up. What do you even want?"

"I'm hungry." She pouted.


"Let's go eat."

"Why me? Go ask your girlfriend."

"I don't have a girlfriend." Ria rolled her eyes and slumped on the couch kicking her feet like a little kid who got her candy snatched.

Francis stare at her friend shaking her head. "You two broke up again?"

"We weren't even back together." The blonde woman clarified.

"But you moved in with her on her dorm room, no?" Francis asked a little confused, She isn't aware where Ria and Ely's relationship stand, it's always been like this for the two, makes her wonder why they keep repeating this on and off thing. If they actually love each other why don't they just go stable with their relationship instead of doing this push and pull thing over and over again?

"I did, we were trying to work things out and check if we can find a solid ground with our relationship, but I don't know, I don't think it's working out." Ria explained, She loves Ely, she wouldn't settle for this kind of set up if she doesn't, but Ely is a complicated woman, and Ria is close to giving up on her.

"Have you talked to her about this?"

"We always talk about it but we never come up with a mutual decision with our relationship, She tells me she love but is too afraid to commit, we have been like this for almost three years and I don't think she has any plan of settling with me. I'm just getting tired of understanding her bullshit." She's hurting, Francis can see it in her eyes, and as much as she want to go after Ely for putting her best friend in this kind of situation, she can't, Ria would be mad at her. They've talked about this before and  the blonde made her promise not to hurt or threaten Ely no matter how much she hurt her.
She always keep her promise.

"Just end things with her, permanently." Francis instead stated.
"This is not healthy for you and for her. You're both just hurting each other over and over again."

The blonde did not respond. Francis let out a sigh and sat beside her best friend.

"Let's go eat. I'll pay." She offered trying to make her best friend feel better, and she know it worked by the huge smile that appeared on the blondes face.

The older of the two hugged the younger and utter various thank you's stating how her best friend always know how to make her feel better.

Francis and Ria went out of the campus to have their meal as the younger don't really like the school cafeteria, It's always packed with students who stare at her everytime they see her, they look at her with scrutiny and judging eyes as if they know her. She hated it.

She also don't want to be seen with her best friend by the people in the academy, the reason being; the people there always inspect her every move trying to conclude how dangerous and how bad of a person she is, if they see her with Ria, they'll pester her best friend and ask her things about Francis, she do not want that happening to her best friend so she made it seem like she does not have any friends in the campus.

Just as they were peacefully having their meal with Ria occasionally bringing up Bella to get a rise out of her friend, who continuously roll her eyes telling her friend to shut up.

A few familiar figures walked inside the Diner they were eating at, Francis did not notice as her back is facing the entrance of the place making her confused when Ria raise her hand and wave at someone behind her.

Curious, Francis turn around but immediately regret when she sees who it was.

It was Faye, with her girlfriend and a certain newbie following behind the couple.

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