The Story of Endless: Vol.1

14 0 0


The Recommended Zoom Is 50%. Changing the Zoom isn't required but it'll be useful for later on in this story, especially for the pageless font being used in The Story of Endless.

Note: Some of these statistics below aren't accurate due to a memory leak that was caused by uploading the story into an online character counter.

Total Character count: 100M+

Current Character count without spaces: 66.8M

Current Letters: 25M+

Current Spaces: 6M+

Current Words: 6.5M

Current Paragraphs: 1M+

Current Sentences: 150,000+

Current Pages: 22,000+ (No Exact Amount)

Current Endgame: End of this book

Current ETA to Reach Endgame: About 1 Month (Depending on your reading speed)

Over 1000+ Hours of Reading this book.

Last Updated: Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Note: By the end of The Story of Endless, these stats will likely have doubled their value.

To go back to the Index, Click on this link below:

2023 The story of Endless. All assets are owned By its owner, Respectively.

This is the longest story that I've written, So some stuff might not be perfectly-written.

Current version: v3.0

Note: QoL Stands for 'Quality-of Life'.


V3.0: (Thursday, September 14, 2023)

Added The Story of Endless: Prestige

First endgame recorded: (Chapter 500: Infinity; 10/19/22.)

Second endgame recorded: (Chapter 1000: NEVER; 12/16/22.)

Third endgame recorded: (Chapter 2000: THE END; 1/17/23)

Fourth endgame recorded: (Chapter 5000:The Borderline; 2/10/23)

Fifth endgame recorded: (Chapter 10000: É̶̡̟͓̺͎̭̙͎̊͊̎̕͜͝͠Ṅ̵̦͇̩D̷̡̪̺̫̜̱̬̗̏͘ͅL̷̢̖̣̈́̎̿͋̀͑͋͝E̸̥̺̙̦͑͋͐̍͂̃͝S̶̼͎̝͌̀̎̚̚S̷̛̤̲̀́̂̋̂̈́̋͝); 2/20/23

Sixth endgame Recorded: Chapter 25000: ???[2]; 8/28/23

Last Endgame Recorded: Chapter 50000: ???[3]; 9/14/23

Vol.1: The beginnings.


Chapter 1-5.5: The beginning of journey

Chapter 6-21: Going thru school

Chapter 22-30: Adult life

Chapter 31-32: Adult life: pt 2

Chapter 33-45: The key to success

Chapter 45-50: Master

Chapter: 51-75: Universal's lair

Chapter 76-96: The guardians.

Chapter 97-99: The finale

Chapter 100: The end

The Story of EndlessWhere stories live. Discover now