Chapter One

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^Nami's P.O.V^

'Nami, it's time to get up!' Nojiko said, shaking me lightly. 'Mmhh, I don't want to!' I replied, rolling over and waving my hand at her.

'You better get up before I get Bell-mère~~' She said in a devilish tone.

'I'm up!' I said, shooting up. Neither I nor Nojiko wanted to get woken up by Bell-mère. She'd come into your room and pick us up and drag us out of our rooms.

'Good now that you're up, Bell-mère has a special breakfast planned out.'

'Alright, I'll be down in a minute!'

'Okay, just don't take forever!'

'I won't!' I said as Nojiko left my room. I let out a tired sigh as I stretched. I swam over to my closet, picked out a blue and white shirt, then swam to my mirror and brushed my hair out, making sure I looked presentable.

'I better hurry to the dining room.' I said as I swam out of my room and rushed to the dining room. 'Ack! Nami, slow down! You almost took me out!'

'Ah, sorry Ussop!'

'Let me guess, you're running late for the breakfast.'

'Haha, maybe... I really have to go now. Bye, Ussop!' I said, rushing away again.

'There you are, Nami!' Nojiko said she was waiting outside the dining room for me. 'Sorry Nojiko I ran into Ussop!'

'Don't drag Ussop down in this! Just cause you befriended the servent doesn't mean you should talk to him and leave me and Bell-mère waiting!'

'I know I'm sorry!!!' I said, clasping my hands together and making a pleading face. 'Alright, alright, fine, let's just go in!' Nojiko said before swimming into the dining room. 'Yes! I knew that'd work!' I spoke with a small smile before following Nojiko into the dining room.

'There you guys are! Took you long enough.' Bell-mère said with a smile. 'Sorry, Bell-mère, someone here didn't want to get out of bed.' Nojiko said. 'Rude! You just threw me under a boat!'

'Haha, girls, it's okay!' Bell-mère said as Nojiko and I sat in our seats. 'So what's for breakfast?' Nojiko asked, 'Well, Hachi made his specialty. And one of the guards found some strange food from the surface world!'

'What does it look like?' I asked, curiosity growing inside me. I loved learning about things from the surface. 'Well, it's round and orange!'

'Sounds interesting.' Nojiko said. 'So, did the guard go to the surface world to get it?'

'Nope, he found them on a shipwreck. Apparently, pirates attacked, and the ship went down, so he scavenged it for anything of use and found the weird food!'

'Wow, that sounds awesome!' I said as Nojiko rolled her eyes and shook her head. 'Here comes breakfast!' Genzo called out, coming into the dining room.

'Ah, thanks a bunch, Gen-san!' I said as he placed a plate of food in front of me. 'Yes, thank you, Gen-san.' Bell-mère said as he put a plate in front of her. 'No problem, your majesty! Genzo said as he placed down Nojiko's plate and left.

'Your majesty! Would you like me to escort the cadets to the training grounds?' Ussop asked, swimming into the room. 'Ah yes, Ussop-kun, that would be great! Thank you!' Bell-mère replied with a small smile. 'Of course, your Highness!' Ussop said, bowing before swimming off.

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