Lost and confused

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Lost and confused:

Present day

It happened that night. The outskirts were silent and dark, some old buildings in the area stood alone in the quiet. A man laying around a corner completely naked and unconscious. Mouses around the area were crawling over his body as if they were trying to wake him up.
Suddenly he wakes up with a heavy breath. His eyes wide open. Eventually his breathing comes in control. He sat up, but his head all spinning. He could just make out the outline of an old, abandoned building nearby. The moon casted a pale glow over the area, but it wasn't enough to dispel the thick, suffocating darkness. The rustling of tiny feet caught his attention, and he turned to see a group of mice scurrying across the ground. They all started running to their holes. And then he realized, he was completely naked.
As he looked around, he couldn't shake the feeling that he had been here before. But it didn't make sense. He had never visited this place, had he? And yet, everything seemed so familiar.
Here it comes, a strange glitchy voice comes to his head. He grabbed his head tightly. He was shivering. The pain and reverberation in his head was too much, but he was withstanding it with no deal. Again another strange voice came into his mind. It was of a beast, a big beast bigger than a dragon, the sound was so loud like some big celestial bodies clashed each other. The beast's voice ranged in his mind, but he tried to calm down as there was no beast around him.
He shook his head, trying to clear his thoughts. But then he felt it like something was pulling at his mind. It was a strange sensation, like a memory that he couldn't quite grasp. A past memory of him being here.
With a sense of urgency, he frantically searched the area for anything to cover himself. His eyes fell upon some smoothing lying nearby like a piece of cloth, and he quickly wrapped it around his body.
As he gazed out at the city skyline, his thoughts were interrupted again by the same sharp pain in his head. It felt as if he was being bombarded with strange vibrations that left him speechless. He tried to speak, but his voice failed him. His inner voice was all glitched, making it even more challenging to make sense of his surroundings. He looked around, trying to get his bearings, but everything seemed unfamiliar. He thinks, "where in the world I am?" with his inner mind in choatic reverberation.
As he walked on the cold, desolate ground, a sense of unease began to creep up his spine. He could feel the hair on the back of his neck standing up as he looked around, but there was nothing there. Suddenly, he tripped and fell with a bone-jarring thud, unable to see anything in the pitch blackness.
As he stood up, he felt a cold sweat break out on his forehead. He looked down at his body and saw to his horror that it was covered in a thick, viscous red substance - blood. Looking around, he realized that the ground was soaked in blood, the stench of iron filling his nostrils. The air was thick with a sense of dread and foreboding, as if something terrible had happened in this place. Fear gripped his heart as he realized he was not alone, and that something unspeakable was watching him from the shadows.The darkness was the obstacle for him as he couldn't see things clearly. His own silhouette was dimly lit by the moon light.
Then, out of nowhere, a drunken man stumbled by and slurred, "You're in the land of both heaven and hell, my friend!" The words made no sense to him, and he felt even more lost and confused.
His mind was reeling. "Heaven and hell? What does that even mean?" he thought to himself.He also realized that he saw that man somewhere before. He disappeared in an instant.
He thought for a while and pondered, trying to connect the dots. "So, I am on Earth," he concluded in his mind.
But the reality of the situation was too overwhelming, and he couldn't believe his own words. "What! I am on Earth," he thought in disbelief.
As he wandered through the endless darkness, a feeling of despair began to gnaw at his mind. He was completely alone, with nothing but the sound of his footsteps to keep him company. The emptiness around him seemed to stretch on for an eternity, as if he had entered another world entirely. He was completely enclosed by the darkness.
The hours crawled by, and his stomach growled with hunger, but he had no idea where he was or how to find his way back. The darkness seemed to close in on him, as if it was alive and breathing, waiting to swallow him up. Despite the fear that was gnawing at his insides, he kept moving forward, hoping against hope that he would find a way out of this nightmare.

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