At the hospital

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At the hospital.
Astha's POV

As I opened my eyes, a sharp pain shot through my skull, ruining the sweet dream I was having about Chris Hemsworth. The room was hazy, but it eventually cleared, and I realized I was in a hospital bed. Suddenly, I spotted a robot standing by my side, holding a glass of water. "What the hell is going on here?" I muttered to myself.
The robot noticed me stirring and offered me a glass of water. "Thanks," I said, taking a sip. "Can you call someone for me?"
"I know who you want to talk to," the robot responded in a monotone voice. "I am Code16, a caretaker here. I have been taking care of you for the entire night."
I tried to get up, but the robot stopped me. "Where are the other patients?" I asked.
"As a gesture of courtesy, you should say thanks for the water. You're too rude," the robot scolded me.
"Thanks for the water," I said sarcastically. "Now tell me where the hell the other patients are."
I knew who this was - Pranav, always trying to mess with me. "Thanks for the water, Code 16. Now, where are the other patients? I want to see my buddy Pranav and hug him. He's probably worried sick about me."
The robot pointed to the door. "The other patients are down the hall. But before you go, you should work on your manners. Robots have feelings too, you know."
Suddenly, the door burst open, and in swaggered Dr Pranav, wearing his usual smug grin."Astha, I'm here. Just like you asked," he crowed. "But I can't hug you, babe. Your body's all busted up."
I rolled my eyes. "Pranav, seriously? Do you think I care about a stupid hug? You're so transparent," I said, cutting him off before he could say anything else.
Pranav looked crushed, like a balloon that had just been popped. I could tell he was trying to play it cool, but I knew him too well. He was behind all of this, controlling that damn robot to mess with me. But hey, at least I got a good laugh out of it.
----------- ***************---------
A small meeting
After Astha woke up, the four - Alok, Devang, Kriti, and Dr Pranav - gathered around her.
Kriti's brow furrowed as she asked Pranav, "Dr Pranav, what happened to her body, is she fine?"
Dr Pranav responded," Her internal kidney was busted, I replaced it with a new artificial kidney. She will be fine with little rest."
Alok says, "Okay, guys our mission is over. But before that, there is something related to the blast and the criminal Manu. I want to know what happened when you chased that guy, Manu."
Astha responded, "Well, Kriti mam should have already filled you in."
Alok insisted, "No, I want to hear everything from you. I heard you were the first to catch up with him."
Astha continued, "Yes, I cornered him at a dead-end, and we got into a fight. He knocked me out in ten seconds and even shot me in the belly. If it weren't for Kriti mam, I would've died."
Everyone was shocked. Pranav was furious, exclaiming, "That guy killed officers and injured others!"
Alok turned to Kriti and asked, "Any intel on the nuclear bomb?"
Kriti responded, "No. We have no idea who used it or how they did it. There was no radioactivity detected in the building, and we didn't see any helicopters or jets at the scene. "
Alok theorized, "They must possess highly classified technology. Well, for now, you all deserve some more traning for doing your work today sloppily. The higher-ups will take over from here. Hopefully, we'll meet again, but next time I need you all to perform more effectively."
All the team smiled hiding their tiredness, as Alok's word came out to be very bossy.
Astha chimed in, "Sir, weren't you being a little reckless out there? You need to be more careful during these risky missions."
Alok looked at Aastha and headed out of the room, without saying anything.
Devang exclaims, "Wow Astha, you have got some serious guts!" Astha grins from ear to ear, "Thank you, thank you. I've been working out my bravery muscles."
Pranav chimes in, "Yes, but be careful with your words, Astha. They can have consequences." Astha rolls her eyes, "I know, I know. But can't a girl have some fun?"
Pranav winks, "Of course, just make sure it's not at the expense of your grades." Devang nods in agreement and heads out with a smile.
Astha mutters under her breath, "This team is crazy, they're not professionals." Pranav puts a hand on her shoulder, "Hey, if you don't want to work with them, you can work with me, in the medical department." Astha raises an eyebrow, "Is that a joke?" Pranav shakes his head, "Nope. But you should get some rest, Tata bye bye." Astha was about to open her mouth to reply something mean, but before she can say anything, she passes out. Pranav quickly injects her with a sedative and lets her take some rest.

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