Chapter 13

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(Newt POV)

I sit in the classroom writing in my book,drawing patterns on my wrist with pen. I notice Tommy and Teresa laughing in the corner then sigh and look out of the window. I lived with him now,it was too much for dad.

"Newton!" My teacher calls me up to the front,I gulp and stand there "Take a seat please," he motions to a chair next to his computer which I sit myself down on "Why don't you tell me how you're feeling."
"I see. Now,do you have any regards to what this is about?"
"It's about the English mock exam. You missed it whilst being in the Hospital on account of your issues."
I scowl at him from the inside "So I'll take it whenever you want me too,"
"It wouldn't make a difference would it Newton?"
"What do you mean?"
"Let me see.." He goes on his computer and types "Hmmm... There you are... One-hundred percent,the best in the year."
"I don't understand sir.."
"That's your result."
"I didn't even sit the bloody exam!"
"You're welcome. Now get back to work."

I nod and walk myself back as the bell goes. Tommy pulls me up and we walk out, I follow down the corridor until I see Sonya who stands near her locker. I pull away and walk to her.

"Hi.." I smile,holding tight onto the handles of my backpack.
"Hey Newt."
"How did you mock exam go?"
"I got a sixty-two."
"That's good. Substantially if you think about it it's better than average as well as if you compare it to most of the college-"
"Are you gonna tell Teresa you're in love with her anytime soon?"
"What? I don't love her."
"Yes you do. You're just scared.. You know Newt, sometimes all you need is twenty seconds of insane courage. Just literally twenty seconds of just embarrassing bravery. And I promise you, something great will come of it, " she kisses my cheek and walks away.

I brush my fingertips across it softly then run after her "Sonya wait!"

I see her get onto a bus and I sigh. Sprinting after it until it drops her off.

"What are you doing Newt?" She asks as she begins to walk up the driveway.
"I need you to tell me!" I grab her arm and pull her around.

I can see the tears in her beautiful eyes..

"Tell you what?" She sniffs.
"Everything you say seems to have a meaning,seems to be important. All you do is try to make people smile,I know that you're breaking too. And you won't tell me what to do."
"Help me Newt help me!" She screams.
"I.." At this moment I start to sob "Sonya.."
"If you love me let me know." She detaches her arm from my grasp and walks inside. I wipe my eyes and walk away,back to Tommy's. I open the door and hear noises,moans. I gasp as it comes into reality what they're doing. I kick the wall wildly and storm back out,sitting on the swing in the nearby park as I turn on my phone. One new message from Sonya-

If you love me let me know

I roll my eyes and turn it off, then see a little boy about six run into the park with an older girl behind him,I look at her to see Sonya. I shake my head and start to walk out.

"No Newt!" She cries "I'm not letting you leave again.."
"I'm not leaving!"
"Stop trying to hide away,everything you think and do it's-"

She gasps out in pain as she falls to the floor.

"Sonya?" I shake as I lean beside her. The little kid starts to cry and I see the blood dripping from Sonya's mouth.

"Scott?" Her voice is broken as she grips onto her hand "Newt.. Help him."
"I need to call someone," I get out my phone and start to dial for an ambulance.
"Don't!" Her hand stops me "It happens all the time."
"This could be serious."
She shakes her head "It's okay. I haven't been well,it's been like this since I was little."
"What shall I do?"
"Can you take us home.. Get a blanket?"
"Of course," I realise my hand is still in hers and smile. Lifting her up as her brother walks along side us back home. She hands me a key and I unlock the door and carry her up to her beautiful room. Lying her down under the sheets as I stroke her hair.

"Where are your parents?" I ask.
"They don't really exist anymore.." She sighs "Left me to deal with it all on my own."
"You have to look after your brother?"
She nods "That's right,I can't do anything else because otherwise we'll get put int an orphanage,where they'll separate us. Or worse,"
"I need to help you.. Is that what you meant when you said it before."
"Yes.. How could you help?"
"Get you more food,help you look after him."
"Thanks Newt."
"I doubt Tommy will miss me, and Teresa.."
"I think you try to get over her. But it'll be hard."
"I know it will.."
"Sleep Newt.."

She pulls me into her arms as her eyes close. I sigh as her little brother walks into the room.

"Sonya always reads me a bedtime story," he says.
"I'll do it." I smile and walk with him into his room. Covered in toys and a large picture of him and Sonya "What book shall I read you?"
"Then what shall I do?"
"Tell me that my big sister will be okay?"
"She'll be fine. She loved you lots."

He nods as his eyes close,I turn off the light and walk myself downstairs into the living room as I see revision books and bills spread out across the floor,I lift them up and find a place. Looking at the bills and the high amounts which are due. I didn't know how Sonya stayed strong,she's so brave in situations where I'd crumble.
"You found my bills.."

I jump to see her. Tears in her eyes but still with a smile on her face,she sits beside me and fumbles through them.

"I should drop out of college,so I can stay and look after him."
"No. Sonya you just can't cancel the rest of your life."
"I like this.."
"You talking to me."

She leans her head on my shoulder so her soft hair tickles my neck. I wrap my arms slowly around as my eyes start to close. I feel my lips being kissed as I fall asleep..

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