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*Charlotte's POV*

I woke in the back of a car. It smelled of leather and unfamiliar cologne. Where was I?

I forced my eyes open with a lot of effort, blinking a few times to adjust to the darkness around me. I was lying across the backseat. In the front I could see being hands on the steering wheel and a silhouetted figure.

My head throbbed with a headache I hadn't had before. I groaned, rubbing my head. The nose alerted the figure, who stiffened in the front of the car. "You're awake."

My body relaxed as I heard the deep timbre of his voice. "What are we doing?"

"I'm taking you back up my place. You've had enough for the night," Clayton said.

I sat up slowly, holding my head. I could faintly remember being pressed up against the kitchen bench, alcohol on my breath. "What..."

"Happened? Marco happened. You lost consciousness after he assaulted you and I'm taking you home." His grip on the wheel tightened.

A chill settled over my body. Now I remembered. I remembered everything. Tears pricked my eyes, sobs wracking through my body. My breaths came out in short, sharp bursts. I couldn't get enough air. My head throbbed more. I was getting dizzy.

I'm going to die.

I'm going to die.

I'm going to die.

The swaying of the car stopping worsened the pace of my breaths. Suddenly, strong arms were around me, encasing me, giving me warmth. My breaths gradually started to slow as fingers trailed over my hair. A familiar scent surrounded me until it was all I was aware of.

The panic attack had passed in the instant that Clayton put his arms around me. "Don't worry, Charlotte. You're safe now," he said, kissing the top of my head. "You're safe now."

Clayton sat with me until my eyelids grew heavy. He left me with my head propped up in the back as he returned to the front seat and began driving again. When we arrived at his house be picked me up in his arms and carried me up to his room.

I wasn't tired, though. I was cold as I stood in his room, my nipples hard and showing through the cloth of Grace's shirt. My eyes watched Clayton as his gaze lingered there for a while, before he stepped closer to me. A tentative hand was reached out and stroked it gently, sending a bolt of pleasure through my body. No one had ever touched me like that before.

Clayton stepped closer until we were together, chests touching, arms curled around each other. His lips pressed against my collarbones, sucking gently and making my head fall back. A tingling sensation followed as his hands trailed from my waist to my legs. I tensed, ready to push him off, but he picked me up instead, hitching my legs up around his waist. I clung to his neck ad he dragged his lips back up to mine.

"So," he said between kisses, "what did Will tell you?" His voice was breathy, which shocked me. This wasn't the Clayton I was used to. I didn't know this desperate version of him.

He tugged at my lip when I didn't answer, bringing me back to the present. Before I could answer, I was distracted by one of his hands making its way back up to my shirt.

"He said—" I gasped as he pinched my nipple, and suddenly I felt very cold. You're blatantly wrong. "He said you're using me."

I shoved off him, my feet hitting the floor with a thud. Clay's hands remained in the air, gripping nothing. His face dropped. "What?"

I wrapped my arms around myself, trying to cover my chest. "He told me you're using me for my body."

"Charlotte..." He started forwards, but I stepped back. Clayton froze, hands dropping to his sides. "Is that really what you think?"

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