chapter 11

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So. . .mother and father are expecting another child well whatever makes them happy I guess, itachi thought while the blond female idly walks around the house after she got home, but still the duo rarely talked to each other only saying hello and talked about their days which is a bit better then nothing at least it isn't one sided on his part, he winced as Naruto lightly rub a small cut on his arm with rubbing alcohol.

"I am not a medical nin itachi. . .i don't think that this would cause damage just leaving a scratch, the alcohol should disinfect the wound it should still bleed a bit before stopping and scabbing up, if not then go immediately to the hospital to get it checked out. . .i can't believe that you got reckless. . . The uchiha prodigy getting reckless"

Naruto scolded as she lightly tightening a bandage over the still bleeding cut.

"My mind was elsewhere Naruto. . .thank you for this. . ."

Naruto looked away before getting up as itachi lightly grabbed her hand.

". . .may I ask you on a date?. . . I barely know anything about you besides our marriage"

Itachi asked waiting for Naruto's response, which the blond responded by a light squeezing his hand.

"Is that a yes Naruto?"

Itachi asked as she looked back before removing her hand from his, taking that as a yes itachi got up and hummed before getting dressed with how he usually gets dressed after about five minutes of waiting she eventually came out with her hair neatly tied in a bun, two strands lightly drape over her face and wearing a light orange shirt covered by a reddish short sleeved jacket blue pants fit her legs and finally white shoes to be honest itachi almost felt his heart stop, he never noticed it as he was still pissed he was married at a young age but. , ,she looks absolutely stunning and beautiful.

"itachi are you ok? you're face is a bit red are you running a fever?"

naruto asked lightly placing a hand over his forehead and hummed,

"hmm you aren't burning up so why is it your face red?"

she questioned as itachi continued to stare at her, god she must be so innocent. . . and a bit naive if she thought that itachi was sick.

"i am fine. .  thank you for the concern naruto"

itachi said whilst walking to the door as naruto followed, opening the door itachi allowed naruto to walk out first before closing the door behind him as the two headed out

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