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Centuries ago

A cold spiritual war broke loose in the Specter where every creature, soul, negativity, clashed together having whatever Soothsayer help while saving those who needed saving. They had thought the war was coming to an end when they ceased the ugliest most powerful entity there was until Edur Birch stepped through. He's traveled more realms, alternate realities and worlds than anyone has ever done in a very long time. So when he went head to head with the second to last Soothsayer in the Specter, all odds were matched until he claimed their gift with a touch of his hand in an instant.

No one knew what he was or how he had the ability to kill Soothsayer's but that's when he got the name El prenedor de l'endeví, The take of the Soothsayers. Ever since then no one dared mess with him, they stood clear scared of what he might do.

A century after it was said he had a son by a woman in the deepest of realms, a realm he claimed as his own as he mended it to his liking, creating things you wouldn't even dream of.

When his son got older he noticed he took on his power and taught him all he needed to know about surviving and living in the Specter.

Amongst them was a little boy they saved named Chester who was almost mindlessly traveling through realms with his older sister Vega.

Vega and Chester were seen little to none and then were finally gone altogether when a rumor started that the two were both children of one of the Soothsayers he killed a long time ago.

No one has found their bodies or even know if they're still alive but in hopes that they are...it's said they would match the level of the only Soothsayer left, Aella Amadeus and her daughter Oriana Amadeus.

Present time

I woke up shivering in an unknown place barely breathing and hanging on by a thread. Leon was filling a small pail with water near a mystical lake with a running waterfall behind it. Leaves crunch under my touch as I try to get up and run scared of why I'm actually here. Reading my mind like Darce and Neriah would–wait Darce? Neriah? I call out by accident in my head almost like a telepathic plea, leon walks over putting the pail in my hands, "Drink." I shake my head quickly scared but he presses it more to me against my lips for me to take a sip. "You'll die slower if you do." Hearing the word die and slower, I take small sips tasting salt and something else I can't quite put my finger on.

"What is this place?" I shiver still while holding myself.

Leon covers me with a jacket he happened to have on him while sitting on the ground with me. "Somewhere for us to talk without anyone interrupting." He closes his eyes and a fire appears five feet from us with a cave forming right above us. I start to realize what's happening and scurry back into the corner of the cave he just made with his mind. "W-What are you?" My breathing picks up almost hyperventilating while scraping the back of my legs trying to find my way out by feeling the rock walls behind me. Leon makes food appear with other stuff but I was too worried about making it out this fictional cave that felt so real. Hearing my thoughts he says, "Because they are. All of it." I scowl mad at him for even invading my personal thoughts, space, the way that he has already.

"To be fair, you were going to die," he shrugs, still hearing my thoughts.

I would get stuck with another Darce.

"I'm not a vampire." He says picking up on my last thought.

I scoff, "So you know of him? Did you two plan this? Is this some type of sick joke?"

He shakes his head standing with food in his hands, "No," he makes me hold onto the sandwich, "It was my father's," he then sits back down biting into what looked like a BLT. "That um...the guy with the blue eyes? The one I seen and held me captive?" Leon nods while leaning back on the rock he's laid out on now. "I'm starting to remember..." I have rushing images of talking to Neriah then being trapped between walls then being in that bed...seeing my mom or what was supposed to be my mom.

"How?" Is all I say.

Leon cleans his hands then props his elbows on top of his knees saying, "Prenem els poders dels endevins," I look at him and he nods saying, "Right, it means we take people like you, powers, Soothsayers. Forgot not everyone knows our language." I plop down on the cave floor, searching for something to say. "You said I was dying," I look to where he is as he's picking at a crack in the rock he's sitting on. He dusts his hands off having the sound echo, "My father was able to leave an imprint to take your energy whenever and wherever he is," getting off the rock he walks over to me moving the jacket and shirt strap away from my shoulder. He makes me look too to show that there was a deep veiny black mark in the shape of a tiny needle mark but doing more damage than my body can handle.

"You have a few more days before you're a walking mirrored soul waiting to be saved."

Tugging my shirt and jacket, I bring my knees closer to my chest, wishing I would have stayed in my real room reading my real mom's journals.

"Why help me? Why tell me and not just let him kill me?" I say low almost in a soft but sadden whisper.

"To right a wrong I made a very long time ago..." He trails off looking to the now opening of the cave he makes appear.

Following where he's looking I see blurred images play out and then seeing a boy, seeing Charles.

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