Chapter 2 Part 1: Heartbeat

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3rd POV

The sound of rainfall and thunder pounds outside and chatter of guests was all U could hear as she sweeps the dinning room of the ██████ manor. After finishing up, she walks down the hallway to get to her next task.

However, as she walks up a flight of stairs, she was startled when T appeared around the corner, also startled by U's appearance.

U yelped as she looses balance and was about to fall backwards on the stairs. U closes her eyes as she prepares for the worst, until a pair of hands grabbed onto her and pulled her forward.

T grunts as he falls onto his back, holding U's hand with one of his own while he uses his other hand to wrap his arm around U's waist.

  The two Drones flushed at the close proximity of each other, U quickly gets off of T and fixes her dress with a embarrassed blush. "Thank you..."

  T merely nods with a equally embarrassed blush, "no problem..."

  "What are you two doing?" A stoic voice called out to U and T, the two turned their attention to K with a tray of empty wine glasses. "The master and the mistress won't be tolerant to those who Doddle," K was always the one to tell them what to do with a stern tone.

  T chuckled nervously, "sorry K, U was about to fall down the stairs an— Oh, hey Tessa!" T waves at a approaching figure before noticing two figures behind Tessa, "oh, who are your friends?"

  U looked at Tessa, for some reason, her figure was blacked out and distorted, then she turned her attention towards two Worker Drones. One has a bob-cut hair that was lighter shade of violet, a long bang parted to her left tied up in a ponytail. The other one was a shorter and has silver hair with two straight down twin tails, each having a hair-band on the low end of them, along with a big black bow on the back of her head.

  The first Worker Drone looked at U and smiles warmly, something that felt like a motherly smile.

  U blinks as a familiar feeling came over her, she was about to say something before everything went dark.


U was abruptly woken up when a scream was heard, she opened her eyes in time to see Neo falling face first into the snow. U blinks before stifling a laugh, "that's gotta hurt."

Neo sits up and throws a thumbs up to U, "I'm a-okay!" Neo slowly got up before feeling something glitched in his system, he hummed in confusion before shrugging it off as nothing.

U rolls her eyes before letting herself fall from a rafter of the spire and landed with ease in front of Neo. "What were you doing anyway?"

Neo chuckled softly with embarrassment, "at first, I was just analyzing the structure of the pod and see what was needed to fix it... And then I got a message from Veronica, saying that she has my pulse rifle and is bringing it here... Guess I got a bit excited."

"Oh wow, you got a text from a girl." The voice of T came from inside the pod, "you are such a simp."

Neo flushed before storming into the pod entrance, "I am not a simp! I'm just glad... That someone still cares about me," Neo rubbed his arm before looking into the mirror and stares at hi reflection. Suddenly a strange symbol appeared briefly on Neo's visor before the mirror suddenly shattered.

"That's weird and concerning," T says as he turns towards Neo in his seat, tied to a metal chain around his neck. "That's such a weird symbol, how about you come here and let me take a look for you," T smiles ominously before U steps in front of T with a glare that shuts him up.

"You know what else is weird?" U asks as her nanite tail sways with annoyance, "that you're supposed to be the pilot, but instead, you have that flimsy sports hat that you got off a skeleton."

T glares pathetically as places a hand on his hat like U was about to snatch it away. "Hey! This is a very cool hat, the label said it was limited addition."

"You were the pilot?" Neo says before crossing his arms with a smirk, "so you crashed the pod, that's quite the origin story."

T lets out a low hiss before grabbing soft foam basketball and threw it at Neo, who barely even flinched from the hit.

"Speaking of piloting," U says as she looks at Neo. "What are you exactly going to do when we get to Earth?"

"That's easy," Neo says as he grabs a wrench from a toolbox. "We're going to the JCJenson headquarters and shut them down for good! That way, the Worker Drones can have their freedom without fearing what the company might do to get rid of us, and we will be heroes!"

Suddenly T gets up from his seat and lunges at Neo, the chain barley holding T back as his face was only meters from Neo's. "You think you are a hero? The humans programmed us to solve a problem," T chuckles lowly with a sharp grin. "Where's the proof that you and your fellow Drones are conveniently innocent?"

Neo looks at T with confusion before glaring, he took a step back so a fight could not begin.

Neo felt U's hand on his shoulder as she speaks, "K was getting orders from someone. If not the company through that relay, then, who? And how?"

Neo hums in thought before feeling his phone vibrate, he takes it out and saw a text from Veronica. "We'll figure something out, but right now, I need to meet up with Veronica." Neo turns around and starts to leave, U looks between T and Neo before following the departing Worker Drone.

T slightly glares before sighing and falls back into his seat, he grabs a part of the chain that confines him with discomfort. Now... Time to break these chains.


Back at the colony, two drones are staring at the large hole that U made in the roof. "Yeah, just fix her up because, whoops, pretty big security risk in hindsight. Uh, you got this, uh, Ladderbot 5000."

Frank sighs with annoyance, "Ugh... Please, just leave the lights—" he groans as Todd leaves and turns off the lights. Frank digs his flashlight out and tries to think of a way to get up there when he hears a clattering sound.

Frank looks around in fear and suspicion when he notices something... the corpse that belongs to T was gone. Frank then saw the trail of oil to a corner nearby and he goes to investigate. When shines his flashlight and finds T's body, a strange spider-like heart device to reveal itself.

Frank's flashlight gets shot out of his hand as the colors of the room yellow and red with weird descriptions were burned into the walls.

Frank watches in horror as T's body moves and twitches around and multiple organic tendrils and claws shot out of his body and forming into something... Unnatural. Frank didn't have enough time to run as a claw grabs his face and he was dragged towards the amalgamated horror, the only thing that could be heard through the room was screams of horror and pain.

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