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A beautiful, but deadly creature that discovers their saviors.

Finnian's rushed footsteps echoed throughout the halls as he made his way down the corridors, stopping infront of a specific door and pushing it open. "Master! You have to come see this!" Finnian exclaimed, panting from the exhaustion.
"So let me get this straight, you found that unknown rabid child that tried to attack you... here? Are you out of your bloody mind?!" The small blue-haired boy shouted.

"Young Master, this isn't an ordinary child, it's almost as if it isn't a child at all, as if it isn't human." Sebastian said. Fixing you in his arms.

"And how do you know that?!" The boy exclaimed, crossing his arms. And as if on cue, your furry paws went back to normal. "W-What?.." The boy questioned.

"As you can see, Young Master, this child isn't human. But, they aren't a demon either" Sebastian said. The boy looked at your face, you didn't seem to look his age, infact, you looked younger than him for something that isn't human.

"Fine, she...he.... it can stay" The blue haired boy said.

(Madilyn Mei>>- sorry..)

"Get it cleaned up first, I'll be in the library." Sebastian bowed his head, "Yes, Master." He took you to his room to clean you up.

He began to carefully take of the dirty white night gown like dress off of your body.

He saw a necklace with a red ruby jem in its locket and a picture of someone he couldn't quite make out, due to the fact that the face was blurred out.

He decided to let it go and enter his bathroom. Holding your bare body in his arms.

(I'm watching ya'll, I'm in your walls.... so go on, say some silly shit... get it out of your system☺💢)

He held you on his side as he prepared a warm bath for you. He felt the water and soon placed you into the warm water.

You awoke as you felt your hair being drenched by warms water. You looked around to see that you are in a tub of some kind, your gaze meeting the person who was watching you.

Suddenly your nostrils started to burn again, you shot up and prepared yourself to strike at the person touching your body.

You let your hand have a mind of its own, swinging to the figure bathing you. You felt a tight grasp on your wrist, you thrash around, spilling water on the floor. "Calm down, child" The figure spoke, you looked straight into those reddish-brown eyes with hatred.

You loudly growl as you tried swinging your other hand, only for it to be caught too. "I'm not going to hurt you." The figure said. Your vision cleared, "I assume you are sensitive to my scent, well then." The man commented, continuing to wash your hair as you look up at him.

Who is this man, and why was he bathing you? Your hand made its way to your chest. You panicked, desperately trying to find your locket.

"Are you looking for that necklace? It is in the other room." The man reassured you, your gaze softened as you sunk your body deeper into the water, exhaling. Trying to ignore the burn in your nostrils.

You peeked at the the man above you, cleaning your hair, combing through it. You tapped him in the chest, he looked down at you. "Yes, what is it?" You tapped him again, and looked into his face. "Oh? My name? My name is Sebastian Michaelis, the head butler of the Phantomhive Manor. What is your name little one?" He asked.

𝐖𝐘𝐍𝐎𝐑𝐑𝐈𝐅𝐈𝐂→ Black Butler;; [Child Reader Insert]Where stories live. Discover now