Chap. 12 Favors

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Author POV:

You heard the sound of crackling, as you suddenly sprung up. "Woah woah!...hold your scales fish!...its just me Error...remember?" Error said calmly as you felt his eel tail wrapped around you like a snake. her tensed body calmed knowing that it was him and not a stranger. "Umm....Error?" She said quietly as Error yawned revealing his sharp canine teeth. "Hmmm?" He said sleepily. "Did I.....escape from Reaper?" She asked meekly as Error nodded his head.

" have but....we need you to stay with him for a bit...." Error said as she rubbed her tired eyes. "Huh?....but....why?" She asked as Error sighed and stretched still very tired. "Welll...have you heard of the great Shark war?" Error asked as she shook her head, Mermaids didn't learn about shark history, and sharks didn't learn about mermaid history.

"Hmm...well the great shark war took place a good while back....where Nightmare, king of one of the rural areas also known as the Scarlet Depths area, and Reaper, king of the more higher area which we are in right now which is called Oceania with me so....hey!" Error was cut off by feeling her asleep on his scales, hugging it gently, he grumbled a bit and gently shook her awake. "Hmm?...oh yes....Nightmare ruled the Scarlet Depths, and Reaper is Oceania Octive..." She said rubbing her eyes.

"Oh good you were listening..." Error said sarcastically as he rolled his eyelights. " where was I?....oh yes....they ruled different areas of the shark kingdom I guess....and well I'm sure I haven't told you this but Nightmare and Reaper used to be best friends..." Error said as her eyes lite up. "Oh....Liam, and Luke told me!" She said as Error seemed confused and a bit surprised. "What?...and who the kelp are those sharks?" Error said as she blushed a bit embarrassed by her outburst.

"Oh...well Liam and Luke are the two lemon sharks that are one of the knights who work with Reaper..." She said as Error nodded. "I see...well.. do you know what happened between Reaper and Nightmare?" Error asked as she seemed to pause in thought for a moment. "Well....Liam said a treaty was broken between the both of them...and that angered Reaper...since Nightmare was the one who broke the treaty.." She said still thinking as Reaper seemed surprised. "Hmmm...and what else do you know?....did you perhaps see any tapestry about this event?" Error asked as she nodded slowly.

"Well I mean I did see some tapestry....they were all very pretty and nice looking...." She said as Error rolled his eye lights. "Well what else did you see?" Error asked bluntly as she paused again. " I was looking around I got lost...and was worried that Reaper would get I tried to look for a room that seemed familiar....but I didn't find any....but....I did come across a hallway....that portrayed a really big tapestry....of a dragon...and how the dragon was fighting Nightmare...on the surface of the water...there was also humans as well....and....a mermaid with long humans bounded her to a cross and had torches around her..." She paused as she looked at Error's confused and a bit frightened face.

"Are you alright?" She asked him as he nodded and cleared his throat. "Hmm...well...was there an egg in that image?" Error asked as she nodded her head a bit. "Yes.....there was only one though..." She said as Error seemed confused. "But.....there are meant to be three eggs....maybe the tapestry didn't put that there..." Error muttered the last part stuck in thought as she yawned making him perk up at her. " there something I have to do with the tapestry?" She asked him as he nodded his head.

"Yes...." Error said sternly as he looked around to make sure no one was watching. "Nightmare said that as long as you stay with him.....he will also be benefitting...since Reaper will be giving us almost a full quarter of his field of food...and plus if you will not only help benefit us...but also you can try and look around to see if there are any signs of an egg being the castle..." Error said as she nodded paying full attention to what he was saying.

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