Chap. 13

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Author POV:

You were still asleep as Reaper was looking around annoyed as he followed Surgeo, he has just had it, he wanted to yell at him, but he knew that wouldn't do anyone good so sighing tiredly. He gently tapped Surgeo's shoulder as they got to the side gates that lead to his office. "Say...Surgeo you have been working awfully hard...and I mean it is getting quite late so why not just give her to me and you can go take a nice rest in your chamber-" Surgeo scoffed at him and shook his head swimming slightly away from him.

"Sir...I know you are trying to get away from work...but I'm afraid there is many fixing to do, and she is just getting in your way of helping your kingdom." Surgeo said as Reaper groaned in annoyance. "You act like I don't even give a ship about my own kingdom! Waves a crash man! The kingdom isn't in dire despair." Reaper said annoyed as Surgeo sighed. "I never inquired you were not treating your kingdom well...its just my job to help fix and enhacen the kingdom until my very last breath sir." Reaper had to take a second glance at Surgeo, sure he was SUPER annoying. But he really did care for his home land, and to be honest...he cared more about it than even the king himself.

..But of course Reaper would never admit that. Smiling softly Reaper placed a tired hand on Surgeo's shoulder making him look up at him in confusion. "Surgeo....I'm sorry...your right....its just..I've been stressed recently with the other affairs of the other neighboring water kingdoms..." Reaper gently took Y/n out of Surgeos hold as he let him do so.

"Sir...I..why?" Surgeo asked as Reaper sighed and shrugged still gently holding her bridal style. "You do so much Surge...I'll talk to you more about stuff later okay? see ya~" Reaper said as he quickly swam inside before Surgeo could protest, leaving behind a confused Surgeo and two awkward guards. Surgeo watched as Reaper quickly swam off feeling confused, sighing he bid the two guards good night so that they could go rest, and he wanted some rest as well. Surgeo always would feel like Reaper didn't really care about what he had to say, and as much as Surgeo would want to do the things himself...

he knew he didn't have barely any leadership experience, and plus what was he supposed to. Walking once more he decided to try and call up his brother on the Shellphone while continuing to walk past the castle. Past the castle was a small shakrpub where mersharks could drink, and eat to their hearts desire, Surgeo decided to stop to the side of the Shakrpub that was filled with laughter and music. "come on...come on.." he muttered annoyedly as the phone kept going back to the beep.

'The shell is he up to now?' he thought as he placed the phone in his pocket sighing. As Surgeo was just about to swim get up and swim past the pub back to his small coral apartment, the door suddenly flown open as a he saw two familiar yellow looking sharks. "Oh no.." Surgeo said as Liam was all blushing, laughing mess, while he was holding a shell bottle, as Luke looked like he wanted to sock him right in the stomackh. "Laim...Boss said no drinking on the job-" Liam stumbled back causing Luke to catch his clumsy drunk brother.

"OhhHhh who's a good drunken sailor~ who's a good drunken sailor that you find at the bar~ hey! ahahahha!" Liam sang loudly as Luke grabbed the bottle out of his hand and looked to see Surgeo staring at them with a disapproved look. "Surgeo? what are you doing here?" Luke asked confused as Surgeo rolled his eye's. "Well...clearly I'm not here to get wasted..." Surgeo said sarcastically gesturing to Liam. "Look sir..Ii was just here to reclaim my brother, you see I didn't know where he was and-" Surgeo raised a hand to stop him as he did so.

"Luke...I know you, and I can FULLY one hundred percent believe that you were just looking for you twin so please don't be worried about me getting the wrong idea about you...its him..." Surgeo said glaring a bit at Liam, who just lethargically blinked his eyes back in response. "hehehe...hey...HEY...SURRrrRRrTheoooOoo." Liam just drunkly waved back, as Luke forced his brother hand to go down and cleared his throat.

"Uh...anyways we should be on our way..I shall see you tomorrow sir..and please don't get my brother fired he's....just a bit of...a coral brain." Luke said worriedly as he gently ruffled his brothers hair. "Heyeyeyey!...You'll make me look like a MESS to the ladieessssssssSSs." Liam said trying to sound mad as Surgeo just sighed at the two's actions. "Look I won't do that...I was just here passing by..and plus..I suppose a little drinking won't be so bad.." Surgeo said as Luke gave him a tired smile.

"Thank you so much again sir...well I shall be seeing you tomorrow, yes?" Luke asked as Surgeo nodded and bided him fair well. Although Surgeo hated those two because one of them was a major troublemaker making the other reasonable one do more work than the other, it made him feel.... jealous in a Liam reminded him so much of his older brother, that it made him miss him all the more. Surgeo was walking in the quiet area close to his home,

as he arrived to the coral apartments he opened the door after unlocking it, to see his pet catsnail Slimeswell sleeping on the couch. Surgeo sighed and gently shut the door and locked it, but once he turned around his catsnail was no where in sight making him confused. When suddenly his cat jumped on him startling him as he fell to the flour on his back making him chuckle.

"Pfft Slimeswell!" he laughed as he set down his sluggy friend. "I missed you to my pretty girl...." he said gently as he was peting her shell, her shell consisted of three main colors, first was green, second was dark green, and the third had some red strikes running up and down her sell, Surgeo loved her so very much not because of her colors but because of how she was one of his first pets, and how she was the only one at the seapound to not want to get adopted due to visible crack on her shell.

She purred at Surgeo, which made him smile, not many mersharks would like him due to his personality, many would say he would be to loud or mean. But in reality Surgeo was just a sensitive misunderstood mershark, he wanted to talk to others more yeah, but...seeing how they react when they glance at him....he chose to keep his distance...and most of them would pretend to be nice to him but that was only because he was in a more higher rank than the others, and they didn't want to get in trouble, but Surgeo would have left off the hook if he knew it was a reasonable decision.

Thinking about it now Surgeo realized he didn't really have that many close friends, and that he was truly....lonely..sure he had Liam and Luke...but were they really his friends?....and he doubted that Reaper would call him his friend...or even associate him with such a word. He hated this...but only a few more years...and he can finally stop with this silly job....right? he felt tears start to prick at his eyes as he quickly wipped them away.

"N-no...I won't cry...crying does nothing..." Surgeo gently lifted Slimeswell off him, as he started to swim towards his room, and flopped on his bed, with his pet following behind making a small confused meow of her own. 'I get a break...yet why don't I feel satisfied?' Surgeo thought as he got up and decided to shut his bedroom door. He sighed deciding to get up one more time.

"Hold on snailey...I'm gonna brush my teeth, and then I'll cuddle with ya.." Surgeo said gently to his beloved pet as she just meowed in response. Heading towards the bathroom and burshing his teeth he caught a glimpse of a photo of him and his brother on top of his mirror getting held up by a magnet. Grumbling he took the photo down and placed it inside a drawer, and continued to brush his teeth, once he did he just stared into the mirror.

'This really is me..huh?...alone...sad...weird...' Surgeo thought as he frowned a bit. "honestly...I can see why mersharks don't approach me...heh.." Surgeo sighed and turned off the light heading towards his bed as he slumped down with a sigh and allowed Slimeswell to lay next to him. He was about to turn off the lamp on his nightstand when he noticed another photo of him and his brother,

he really....really did miss him...he grumbled again and placed the photo face down as he then placed his glasses on his nightstand. Finally it was time for him to sleep...although he wished he could see his brother again. He closed his eyes, when suddenly there was a loud crashing sound that made him jolt awake as he quickly grabbed Slimeswell,

"What the shell?" He whispered as he also quickly took hold of his glasses, he could here the loud sounds of crashing in his living room, when suddenly his door flew open and before he could say anything something hard hit him in the head and he was knocked out, the last thing he could hear was the sound of his cat screeching in fear, and evil laughter.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13 ⏰

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